
They are mating but there are no eggs??? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!

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I have two dwarf gouramis breeding, and they keep on wrapping around each other like he is going to squeeze the eggs out, they have done it about 15-20 times, but NO eggs have come out!!! I know this cause He never has spit anything into the bubble nest and when I look my hardest into the bubble nest, I don't see any opaque balls, which are the eggs. Does this usually happen??? If it happens this many times, will they ever get it!?!?!?! Does doing this this many times with out success tire the fish or harm them???? HELP!!!!Remember, 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!




  1. How long have they been together? it can take up to 2 months. mine took3 weeks i asked the same question.sometimes i couldnt find the eggs. i here they eat every eg but 2 but i dont think its true.most fish have their eggs real early like 2,3,1,4 am. or it could be miss hatches

  2. I havent researched Gourami's, but I have researched betta's. They both breed and use bubble nest's so it's the same thing right?

    Well I know that if the male doesnt wrap himself tight enough he cant squeeze out the eggs.

    It may take a few times to get the wrap right and they both are new at this. They will figure each other's body's out soon enough and get it right.

    Good luck with the babies! Also the eggs ARE very hard to see in the nest. I  thought mine was empty the first time it actually worked but there were eggs in there!

    Hope this helps!

  3. perhaps the fish is egg bound?

  4. The reason that they are squeezing the eggs out is because it is the first time mating, the anal is still small. It will first release about 10-20 fry, and next time will be like 60. Do not separate them so the male can help the female out. The longer she take to release the fry, the fry inside her belly will get bigger and bigger and at last, it will pop out like a pimple, are you excited?

  5. There you go!!! Hey you are making progress.  THAT is the sign to look for!!  Keep watching them.  If you don't see them comming out, it just means the female isn't ready yet, but she's trying.  Give it another day or so.  If she doesn't release any eggs by tomorrow, put her back in the main tank and keep giving the high protein foods.  This is a very good sign you are close!!  Keep at it, and feel free to email me.

    Unfertilized eggs would be considered a food source and the male should know if they are fertile or not.  I think this would be considered normal yes.

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