
They are trying to take my car ....... more info!?

by  |  earlier

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My first monthly payment isn't due yet. My fiance went with me to purchase the vehicle and was included on the insurance.




  1. Well, for starters, who are 'They' and why are they trying to take your car?

    Have they sent you a phoned you?

    Have they sent you a letter to say your payment is late?

    Have they sent you a letter to ask for payment?

    Have they sent you a final demand?

    Have they sent you a letter from a debt collector?

    Have they sent you a letter saying that they will repo the car?

    Have you replied to any of the correspondance?

  2. Sorry, what's the question. Who is trying to take your car?

  3. Whose 'they'?  If you bought it from a dealership....possible they couldn't find financing for you?

  4. Sorry, you're unlikely to get an answer with the information you have given.

    Your payment isn't due.

    You fiance went with you.  So what?  And is included on the insurance.  Again, so what?  Why does this matter?

    Did the check for down payment bounce?  That would be one reason they would take your car.

    Now, if you would like to tell the rest of the story, perhaps someone will give you an answer.  As it stands, you will get nothing but ??????????????

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