
They changed the name from Global Warming to Global Climate Change after the proof showed that it was a lie?

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So why do so many people continue to believe such nonsense?




  1. what if one of your loved ones died very young and unexpectedly, and you knew it could have been prevented if they practiced good sense and health care? would you recommend against preventive care, just because there was no outward proof that they were ill? or would you argue that if something is in error, it is much better to err on the safe side?

    we have been polluting this earth for so many decades, and simce we're  living in a closed system, nothing gets only continues to build around the planet. more people mean more cars, more industry, more livestock (methane), more garabge and sewage, and definitely more and more water and air pollution.

    Global warming and/or climate change are synonomous. if the name has been changed, it is not because it has been declared or proven a lie. where did you get that notion?

    What the name change signifies, is that politicians have renamed it so that people like you would denounce the possibility of it's truth, and therefore continue spending, eating, crapping, and polluting more than ever because it's good for the economy.

    you must be about 14 years old, to have posted this kind of REAL NONSENSE!

  2. Many people believe it because it shows how gullible and naive they are to believe everything they hear, especially when something is spit out of the mouth of politicians.  I don't believe in Global Warming/climate change - it's all nonsense to me.  I never believed in it from the git-go.

  3. Who is they and to what nonsense do you refer? A name change doesn't invalidate a theory. Why are you so angry about what people believe anyway?

  4. It has started with a true and inclusive name of Global warning to remind and warn every citizen in the world to treat the environment right, every one is a part of it. I am living in the most polluted city in this world, Hong Kong. Once Tim Flannary, a famous Australian weather scientist described Hong Kong has the most polluted air in this world in his website. Hong Kong is currently has more than 1.5 million citizens with  asthma, heart and lung diseases. The total Hong Kong population is still under 7 millions. That's why many multinational companies are refused to invest in Hong Kong and quite a few (Hedge Fund companies) have already relocated to other countries, including Singapore and China. According to WHO (World Health Organization)'s air pollution Index is 30, and Hong Kong daily API is recorded more than 60-100, and frequently up to 120 in Mongkog and Causeway Bay area. The following website described Hong Kong is four times more polluted than your American city, Los Angels (most polluted city in North America). You are lucky, because you are healthy and young and are not being affected by the polluted air. The weather changes, such as Peru got snow last year. And most part of this world are getting chilly weather this winter. It affected the agricultural products this winter and the food prices inclined rapidly recently and it affected the livelihood of the many in Hong Kong!

  5. Actually, they changed the name to more accurately reflect the phenomenon.

    See, the extra heat in the ocean makes storms (like Hurricane Katrina) worse, which means that in some places the LOCAL weather gets colder.  But it's all because the temperature went up overall in the first place.

    Thing is, when the evidence changes, scientists follow the evidence.  So ten years ago they were talking about global warming.  But since then they've done more research and noticed that there's more going on, so now they are talking about climate change, in all its many forms.

    They aren't stupid, they aren't wrong.  They're nuanced, and they're willing to correct themselves if they are wrong.

  6. Changed it because it discribes it in more detail. Climmets are Changing and we can slow it, may be even set it close to normal. Need to Repleish more of the Planet's Trees and try to change things we can change.

  7. It's an easy lie to believe. There are so many pseudo scientists out there screaming about it. And then we have Al Gore making movies about it. Of course, anyone who cares to research it will find that the planet's temperature changes in cycles. This is nothing new. We are actually cooler now than we have been in the past.

  8. It's not a lie.  The average temperature of the world is heating up.  This causes more severe weather, including snowstorms.  Most of the world calls it 'global climate change'.  We in the US call it 'global warming'.  Actually both terms are correct.

  9. though i do believe that pumping tons of chemicals into the atmosphere can have negative effects.  I do think that the whole global warming climate change is really exaggerated.  Lets look at the 70's when the govt was worried about a ice age suddenly taking over the world.  The carter administration had a plain to drop a black kind of soot all over all of the ice caps to rase the temperature  of the earth to combat the coming ice age that was the big worry at the time.  There is always going to be something that human beings are worried about effecting the outcome of the world.  This changes all the time depending on the political situation of the time.  People just need to use common sense and everything will be okay.

  10. I think Shelly S just answered your question.  They believe in it because they believe that reduced energy consumption is important regardless if AGW is true or not.  

    Clean air is very important.  But there are more efficient ways of achieving clear air, than cutting back on co2 emissions.

  11. Well, I call it another foot of snow so far in March with no end in sight.

  12. I know the earth is heating up. It's not rocket science. Whether it is an indefinite change, or merely a colossal up/down cycle no one can know, but it is getting much warmer. And I doubt it will change anytime soon.

    As far as the "debate" goes if you call it that, I tend to be prepared. No one knows what effects the climate change will have, but personally, I'd rather be a responsible human being and conserve and recycle SHOULD the earth change, as opposed to deny it and live like there's no tomorrow and live with the most severe weather ever known to man.........better safe than sorry right?

  13. its another way for GOV to get our money. mark my word we be taxed someday for the air we breath

  14. first show us proof its a lie? i have see none of this published in science or nature why would that be? climate change is just another term, the tow can be used pretty much interchangeably and have been for the past 30 years.

  15. I am not sure who the "they" you are referring to is.  If the  "they" is the the Bush administration, you are correct!  In fact the Bush administration hired a PR specialist who came up with that.  This documentary interviews the PR specialist himself: The Denial Machine, a CBC production, check it out, you can stream the video for fee on-line.  Most interesting.

  16. Basically yes, you're right.   First it was "the planet has a fever" - then when we started having real winters again with heavy snowfall THAT was caused by global warming, which is now "climate change."

    I mean, there's a legitimate theory underneath all the hype - but this business about "forget Al Gore, just look at the science" is difficult to swallow.   Nobody tried to muzzle the alarmists when the alarmists were knowingly exaggerating and on some matters just plain lying, when that was scaring people into supporting the "right" agenda "for the wrong reasons."    The IPCC went with the Hockey Stick, which is completely bogus, and they appear to never have seriously considered this to be a permanent position of theirs - they never attempted to explain a single example of Lamb's "multifarious evidence from the arctic to New Zealand" of warmer temperatures during the MWP as having happened for any other reason but warmer temperatures.   I think it was meant as a placeholder argument because they thought the warming would continue past 1998 levels and thus would soon go beyond MWP levels - except that that didn't happen.

    The IPCC destroyed its own credibility with the Hockey Stick.

  17. why do people continue to believe a lot of things that have been proven false? one word "ignorance". the masses tend to let others do their thinking for them when dealing with things outside their expertise. for example, you might be a top aerospace engineer, but when it comes to tax returns, you hire somebody to do them for you, because you dont want to take the time to figure out the tax laws, and how they affect you. thus many people rely on what they hear from what they believe to be a knowledgeable source, and ignore the rest.

    that said global climate change is real, and while we have been in a slight warming period, we are now in a slight cooling period. this is not unusual. in the 1300's we would have a few years of warm temps, followed by a few years of colder temps, and the temps would warm again. this is something the global warming activists wont look at because it goes against their beliefs that man is causing global warming. and the politicians want to control the people so they make laws to force people to "live green", and pass new carbon emission taxes, etc.

  18. Wait? So it's a lie? Al Gore LIED to the American people? I really thought I could trust the guy who "invented" the internet........I'm deeply disappointed. lol

    Some people need a cause to believe in or a bandwagon to jump on. Me, in all my conservativeness, I believe there is a change, a VERY slight change, but i believe that it is up to me to do something different (if I choose) not Al Gore to tell me to buy a prius. He's such a friggin idiot.

  19. No, the change was appropriate to help reduce the number of times ignorant people are confused by some fo the symptoms:

    1) Increased snowfall.  Snow does not mean colder, it simply means that your precipitation has increased (due to more evaporation from warmer temperatures), and some of it fell during Winter, while the temperature outside was below 32 degrees.

    2) Colder regions such as Europe.  A massive influx of glacial water into the oceans may change the salinity/density of the water and slow some of the currents, reducing the amount of heat transported by the ocean to some regions.

    What "proof showed that it was a lie"?  Now THAT's nonsense!  Show us the source of your wild, unjustified claims.

    Here's the balance of the science for or against the theory:

    "The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus."

    So what's your reason for holding your view (link to evidence please)?

    Propaganda funded by ExxonMobil perhaps?

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Propaganda distributed by Fox news perhaps?

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    "Objective viewers long ago realized that Fox News has a political agenda. But, when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

  20. I think that if all skeptics of 'Global Warming' should say they belive in Climate Change, as it can mean anything, it does not suggest in any way

    a) an overall warming

    b) man is responsible

    c)any conection with the greenhouse effect

    Climate is changing it always has therefore I belive in climate change!!!

  21. Because to the people Global Warming and Global Climate Change sound the same. They think that because they drive to work or spray their aerosol cans the whole world is going to burn up and die. In fact some people want to believe this . The governments keep this theory in practise as a way to control the masses although the australian government didn't sign the kyoto protocol until a new Prime Mininster came into power.

    The American government ihasn't signed the protocol bu they still deliver the message "Global Warming/ Global Climate Change is bad".

    The main reason however is that no one wants to delve deeper. Everyone just wants to watch some movie that some politician has made and believe what they say. Sure he uses humour but that doesn't mean anything. No one wants to go to their library or onto the internet and research it themselves. That is what's slowly killing todays societyu in fact.

    Anywho if you want to watch a good, uh i don't know what to call it...documentary?? Watch the "Great Global Warming Swindle" It is very good and delivers the truth.

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