
They decided to have a keeper league from last year, who should I keep Frank Gore or Marshawn Lynch ?

by Guest33182  |  earlier

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I didn't have a very good team from last and the rest of the league decided to make it a keep league. We only get to keep one so who would be the best choice.




  1. Lynch, even though at their best gore prob puts up bigger numbers. Gore is always one step away from a season ending injury. Edwards should be even better this year and open up some more room for Lynch too.

  2. I think you have to go with Marshawn Lynch, Gore is to prone to injury and Buffalo is getting better all the time.  If they can find a worth QB they can and will be a good team over some time.  Lynch is also going to get a lot more passes his way this year and that should help his production.  Gore is part of a RBC and his history of goal line fumbles surely does not help him.  Go with Lynch!!!

  3. U would be an idiot to not keep Gore.  Lets see Gore is going in drafts a average of 6th spot.  Lynch is going around the 12th spot.  So if u keep Gore u might still eb able to pick up Lynch and have them both.   Plus Martz is running the 49ers offense this year.  If you have watched any football the past 8 years, you would know that when he leads a offense they become point scoring machines.   If  JT O'Sullivan keeps playing like he has then Gore will be awesome because they wont stack 8 men int he box to stop him anymore.   Lynch is gonna be ok, but did I see that one guy on here put Edwards is gonna be good,lol that is hilarious.     Trust me keep Gore and if u dont want him I guareentee someone else does so trade him for a top receiver or something.  Because the other people in ur draft that know things will be l*****g their chops if u dont keep him.


  4. I would keep Gore and can Lynch......Frank Gore had only two more fantasy points than Lynch last year but, Gore missed about 5 games do to injury....Lynch on the other hand played the whole Lynch is gonna be splitting his carries with Fred Jackson, which has impressed the coaching staff!!!!!!  

    So keep Gore!!!!!

  5. i woul go with marshawn lynch. hes in a great situiation with buffalo, hes got a great offensive line and the passing game is devloping with trent edwards and lee evans. which means more possible goal line situations. gore only had 4 TDs last year while marshawn had 7 in only his first year.

    both backs can catch the ball well. coming out of college marshawn was regarded as an elite receiver and the development of trent edwards will only benefit marshaw.

    frank gores a good player, but with a poor offensive line and poor offense. you should expect him to receive a ton of carries. with no passing game the goal line touches should come to a minimum. hence his 4 TDs lsat year. with his touches accumulating, he has a better chance of getting injured and become a shaun alexander/larry johnson. both games were great for 2-3 years but then struggled without an offensive line

    yes he has mike martz as his coach who turned the rams into a premiere offensive team, but he only did so much with a solid powered offensive team. a team much better offensively than the 49ers.

    marshawns gonna be a great player mark my words. hes very consistent and week in and week out he will give you fantasy production.

    so in all i would take marshawn lynch but its your call

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