
They dont bleach or even clean the toys at daycare...ever!?

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I work at a daycare for my summer job (im a university student) and they dont ever clean the toys!!! all the staff is constantly calling in sick. I have had 2 flus and one cold in the last month alone. Is the lack of cleaning why i am getting sick?

also how do i solve this problem? I am willing to clean all the toys myself but the other emoloyees say its no use since the kids just put the toys back into thier mouths anyway!! I think the toys should be cleaned. How to i tell the director how i feel without getting fired? I am concerned for the children and my own health.




  1. You very well should be concerned because this daycare is in violation of health codes for daycare centers.  Talk to the director about your concerns and if she is not receptive then report her to the agency and look for a new job.

  2. Clean them anyways!!! You never know what kids have and they need to be cleaned...I clean my daughters toys at least once a week and only she plays with them...Do they not know what germs are!

  3. I agree with KM if you and the othe staff are getting sick as much as you are how do you think it is affecting the children

  4. You figure out who the licensing agency is in your state and report them.  In Washington State, it's the Department of Early Learning.  Toys, and bedding are supposed to be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week.  Eating areas to be cleaned after every meal and disinfected every day.  You could start by contacting the health department and go from there.

  5. I would take it upon myself to just do it.

    You might research and see if there are any requirements by the state or anything that would give you some "cleanliness guidlines" or something.  

    I think it's disgusting...and it's no wonder everyone is getting sick constantly.  

    Yes there is something to be said for sick kids in daycare bringing in germs...but it's common knowledge that some germs are spread by contact.  

    I'm sure my pediatrician sees plenty of sick kids and he isn't sick constantly...there's something to be said for hygeine and hand washing and cleaning things that come in contact with germs.

    If they aren't cleaning the toys and the surfaces and the door k***s and washing their hands several times a is no wonder at all that everyone there is sick constantly.

    Here's a clip from an article on WEBMD about "germ fighting"...

    GERMOPHOBE RULE #7: Toys are cleaned weekly.

    REALITY CHECK: Germs can live on toys for long periods of time, so it's wise to sanitize the items used most often and those that frequently get put in a child's mouth -- still, unless a sick child has played with them, a monthly cleaning should suffice. You can safely disinfect many things -- from plastic toys to lunchboxes to high-chair trays -- with a diluted bleach solution, such as that found in Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface daily sanitizing spray. Many plastic toys can be cleaned in the dishwasher; wash stuffed animals in hot water in the washing machine (dry thoroughly to prevent molding).

  6. I think you should talk to the director and let them know that you think better cleaning would be more cost effective because less people would get sick and let them know you are willing to take charge of cleaning the toys it will make you look more responsible and hopefully get the results you are looking for. Good luck. If that doesn't work you should tell the parents that bring their children there that the toys are never cleaned.

  7. Thats disgusting. They should be cleaned daily, you don't know what kind of germs could be lurking around those toys.

    I would voice my concerns to the director...if they fire you for that, then you don't want to work at a place like that anyway.

    Do you use purell antibacterial gel? I would buy some and use it often if I worked in a day care!

  8. If I could give KM 10 thumbs up, I WOULD!!    

    Health code violation threat 'should' wake the director up....if not....turn her in before one of the kids/workers end up in the hospital.

    If you get fired for this....they have a lawsuit coming.

  9. You should be concerned. I would be highly upset if I found out my daycare wasn't cleaning the toys. You can call your local licencing agency on the center (usually it's the Department of Children and Families). Explain to them you have personal knowledge the center isn't cleaning the toys and you have reason to believe it's causing illness. You won't get in trouble because no one will know it was you, but they DCF will come out and explain to the director how important sanitary messures are, and that all staff need to be practicing good cleaning habits.

    I would personally fear that if they aren't cleaning the toys, what else are they not cleaning?

  10. AM I pregnant or are you pregnant?  Duhhhh

  11. tell the director if they are not cleaned, you will tell the parents most parents will be shocked.  I would not allow my children to stay  in a place where things are not cleaned.  There are germs everywhere, If a child has strep throat and puts a car in his mouth, and it is not cleaned, 3 more children can get it.

    There is MRSA  , flus, colds, this is just a breeding gorund for germs,  Tell him the director that parents will be told, I willing to bet they will bhe cleaned, or there is a chance you will be called a trouble maker, however this descion is yours. Think about which battle you would like to fight.

  12. This is a big problem, the first step in keeping an environment disease free is to clean the area regularly, and toys should be cleaned with clorox or lysol wipes on a regular basis, when the children aren't able to put them in their mouth.  On a Friday afternoon so that the chemicals have a weekend to work and not to be toxic.  I would also suggest a lysol spray every day at the end of the day and liquid antibacterial hand soap that all the adults should use when they leave and enter the room.

  13. Report this daycare.  It is obviously one HUGE reason why everyone is always sick!

  14. that is why everyones getting sick and you shouldnt be fired for bringing that up, if you do then it wasnt worth havign a job, and once youre gone you can call the health department on them.

    my mom worked with 3-5 year olds and she always bleached the toys and sprayed them. the kids might be getting sick from it too, and young kids getting the flu is very serious. you relaly need to bring this up, and just say youre concerned about the childrens, as well as your own health from the lack of cleaning. if the y dont do anythign you should just clean them yourself if you dont have a problem with it. sure the kids will put them in their mouth again, just clean themn at least once a week if you dont wanna do it that often. any cleaning is better than none!

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