
They found water in mercury do u think that's true?

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What will happen if it's true?

please help me :)




  1. Ice can exist in Mercury's polar craters because the obliquity of the planet, stabilized by tidal dissapation, is practically zero. Unlike on Earth, where the poles get constant sun during summer, those of Mercury never get any. The sun is always on the horizon and never high enough to illuminate the polar crater floors. Since darkness=cold on an airless world, the ice is stable.

  2. its too far for us to really do anything about it right now.

    so nothing will happen if its true.

  3. Sure, there are craters on Mercury, where the sun never shines, so frozen water is possible

  4. well, NASA cant just make up stories, they said that they were astonishedand was totally unexpected.Well nothing will happen if its true,if they want to they can send another probe, like the MESSENGER probe, it could do some experiments to test for life on the planet.

  5. sure why not, there is probably water ice on the moon too, in perpetually dark craters near the poles. the same thing could happen on mercury. it's not very much water... just detected in vapor during a flyby wasn't it? probably not reason enough to be in a hurry to send people there. it's interesting though.

  6. Mercury is *not* tidally locked (i.e. always has one face pointed to the sun).  It does indeed rotate such that all sides get sunshine.

    Given the temperatures there and that the planet has very, very little atmosphere finding ice on Mercury is exceptionally unlikely.  If they do it would be at the poles.

  7. yup, because usually the cold planet has ice, and it will be water if it melt

    I heard, they plan us to live at there...

    can it will be true??? dunno...

    just wait

  8. I think it should be true. There would be life...

  9. Yes, there are water ice in craters of Mercury. Also Messenger spacecraft has just discovered water vapor in its thin atmosphere.

  10. What? That is just a video of the strokes? What does it have to do with water and mercury? Besides, there is no way there is water on Mercury. Duh.

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