
They just did an interview with Code Pink Co. who is a big supporter of Obama. She's very upset with Obama for

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changing his mind about Iraq. This group and MoveOn are kind of sisters. Do you think this will be the start of some major turmoil with some of his big supporters?




  1. He has to distance himself from the leftist extremists now and pander to the other side to try and win the election. It's just a game played every four years. Obama is great at pandering. It's gotten him a long way so far. Code Pinkos and MoveOver are going to vote for him no matter what he says. They know he is one of them. It's the rest of us he needs to fool.

  2. There already exists a serious disagreement, and if Obama continues to antagonize these supporters many would be strongly tempted to go with Nader or McKinney, who stick to their principles

  3. I hope so

    Here's a view of obamadom

    A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II,

    owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many

    German people were true n***s, the answer he gave can guide our

    attitude toward fanaticism. 'Very few people were true n***s,' he

    said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more

    were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the

    n***s were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let

    it all happen.  Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had

    lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost

    everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

  4. There has already been some reaction from the far left, because Obama is desperately moving to the center.  Obama' attempts to PRETEND to move to the center are blatant attempts to get the centrist vote.  Obama is by no stretch of the imagination a centrist; Bill Clinton was a centrist.  I'm not sure how it will affect him in the long run, but he has to try to please the lefties and the moderates.  He looks like too much of a flip-flopper, however, and it may well cost him in the GE, because centrist democrats like myself don't buy into his line of rhetoric. We recognize that he's a panderer.

  5. No.  I don't think it will be a significant issue.  Particularly so because he hasn't changed his mind.  Obama has been saying that his plans to remove troops from Iraq have to be subject to the action on the ground at the time he takes office.  Let's face it... we're talking about 6 months from now.  No one knows what the reality will be then.

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