
They keep saying on the radio as a result of Palins speech Obama is moving ahead is this true?

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Also because of this about Palin.




  1. Polls are pretty much worthless, but Obama has been holding around 49-50% for a while now, while Palin has actually lowered McCain from around 45% to 42%.

  2. Obama has nothing to worry about, the DNC was a bigger turnout then the RNC.  DNC knows, how to party.  The RNC they all look like they are ready for bed.  I know it is pass some of those old white gray headed, men and women who no doubt will do what ever is necessary to try to keep a Black man out of the White house.  

  3. Wow, wait until after this ungodly unmercifully long speech from McCain.

  4. Yes this is true. Take a look at the polls

  5. Yes, it's true.

    I thought McCain would beat Obama until he went and chose Palin.

    Palin is the best thing to happen to Obama's campaign.

  6. Well personally, hearing Palin's speech made me want to vote for Obama even more than I already do.  Some of my friends said the same.  So I don't doubt it.

  7. Obama  has been holding pretty steady for the last 3 days.

  8. Don't believe the polls. Need I remind you all that Gore actually won the 2000 election?

    My point is to vote.

    Oh by the way, Palin's speech connected with a lot of Mom's out there. Thankfully, you little one's don't have any kids. Someday when you have actual responsibilities you might see the value in her speech. Right now you're swayed by a lot of "change" rhetoric.  

  9. That's what it looks like.

    Why do those women have those saucers on their b***s?

  10. with or without palins speech, obama will move ahead.  what is palin anyway> who is she to stop anyone from moving ahead?

    she is so ignorant doesnt even know what a vp qualification is. have the guts to make a speech thinking everyone is as naive as she is/.

  11. no, it's helping alot. McCain will win, u jus watch honey.

  12. No, the Rasmussen Poll today has Obama down a point.

  13. They said that the undecided vote were all leaning towards OBAMA

  14. I agree.  Her speech last night only connected to the Republicans and the hockey moms.  She is out of touch with reality.  She is very conservative and ignorant and does not do anything for women in this country.  She needs to know this nation more, beyond Alaska and see what is really going on beyond her silver spoon eating house!  :)

  15. You know I felt after the bashing of the media frenzy, although, some of the bashing that the media did was wrong about her daughter. I felt after hearing this condescending tone, and cruelty and mocking this man as if this was some kind of laughing stock turned me off completely. I told myself I wasn't going to be judgmental against her, although ,I am a supporter of Obama/Biden I still wanted to see what John McCain had gotten himself into. So I definitely knew that her rhetoric was going to turn a lot of people off giving the fact that this is her first introductory speech and she suppose  to be able to show the American people who she was and what she was all about!

  16. No, there has been non changes in the polls.  

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