
They measured my tummy today and said it was abit smaller than it should be?

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what does this mean is my baby unhealthy?

i am freaking out..

they want me to go back in a week to measure again..

i asked her but she didn't answer me

thanx in advance




  1. Do you know how much you measured? Being off a week or two or even three can be normal. When I was 31 weeks I measured 33, but when I was 29 weeks I was measuring 28.

    If they were really concerned they would've done an ultrasound. Now I measure just one week ahead.  

  2. I am 38 weeks pregnant and have recently been told the same thing. I measured perfectly throughout my whole pregnancy but within these last few weeks my baby's growth has slowed. I had an ultrasound done (due to bubs position) and it was confirmed that bub is 2 weeks behind the average growth. I too freaked out but his umbilical cord was checked which is perfect and also if bub was lacking anything so would I and im the picture of health atm. Im just having a little bub and I can assure you I wont be complaining about that when im in labour lol!!!!

  3. The baby could have just been in an odd position. I wouldn't worry too much. If they thought it was anything serious they probably would have done an ultrasound or something. It is normal to measure a little ahead or a little behind from time to time.

    Did you hear the heartbeat at the visit?

  4. You should of asked again, its your baby she should answer any question you have.

    At the start i was always under measurement but not I'm right on track.

    I got told the amount of weeks you are is how much you should measure.

    Call your doctor now and ask, it will settle your mind.

  5. As long as they think the baby is measuring fine then you and your baby should be alright. Some women just measure small and there's nothing wrong with that! Good luck sweetheart and congrats!

  6. same thing happened to me and i was freaking out. so they did a growth scan the baby is perfectly fine. Im really tall and have a long torso so I just think my stomach is stretching sure everything is fine!  

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