
They say 4-6 weeks but at what stage were you able to breastfeed & bottle feed expressed milk for some feeds?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i was doing it from the start i have a lot of kids 8 actually,and very busy so had to do some of each the baby  was fine ,

  2. I waited until 6 weeks because breast feeding was a rocky start for us.  If you have a good latch and your supply is good then maybe in a week or so?

  3. I breast fed and formula fed from one week old. She done fine on it. Though I am not suggesting formula to you, I am saying that my daughter took both, bottle and breast ok from one week old.

  4. I did it for the 1st time when my son was around 10-12wks & he took the bottle perfectly.

    God Bless

  5. 4 weeks,when i had a good supply

  6. I started expressing when my baby was 3 weeks old.  He had taken to the breast really well and I had a really good supply of milk by that time.  He took to the bottle right away and I was able to feed him both ways from then on.  There was no nipple confusion.  Every baby is different though, obviously.  x

  7. we did it right away.  We spent a day in special care and they gave us some really ivaluable advice - one part being that babies are FAR more adaptable to the bottle breast change than we think particularly if you do it straight away or very early!

  8. Im sorry but I dont really get this question. Please be more clearer.

  9. I expressed and bottle fed in the hospital - baby was in special care!

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