
They say I can't return my 3 phone which i bought this morning and is still in an unopened box?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have also posted this dilemma in the legal section because I can't BELIEVE that this is fair or legal!

My dad has an account with 3, but i use the phone. We've been using 3 for over 3 years now, and have had 2 phones off them. THIS MORNING, my dad goes into their store in Guildford, UK to buy a new handset (our existing contract has run out and the battery on the old phone is going) HOWEVER, the people in the store talk him OUT of buying the phone i told him to get (i couldnt be with him at the time) and so he bought a Nokia and dropped it off at my house. BUT after looking on the website, calling customer services (USELESS might i add) and calling the store, i have been told that 1.) exisiting customers who upgrade their phones may not return them 2.) once the phone has left the store, it cannot be returned or replaced.

HOW CAN THIS BE LEGAL? I thought that here in the U.K, when you buy something you have 7 days minimum to return it and they have to refund or replace? I have not opened the box, i have the full receipt, WHY can it not be swapped?

PLEASE, does anyone know of any legal documents e.g consumer credit act or sale of goods act which i can access and print off that says in clear black and white YOU MUST REFUND OR REPLACE, given that the phone is brand new and we bought it about 5 hours ago and its not been opened??

sorry for the caps lock but i am really really desperate! the new phone is AWFUL!




  1. that is very ODD! but 3 ppl are b!tches!

    my mother bought a phone off them from a shop but one of them wouldn't charge and the usb connector was missing. they wouldn't swap it, not even tried to fix it. she had to argue a very long time before they swapped it for another.

    i'm sure if you have receipt and its not open you can return.

  2. Complain!

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