
They say its a good idea to invest in a retirement account, but what if I have no intention of retiring?

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Professionals always say that retirement account are good investments because they give can give you tax deductions and the money you place in the account it not taxed and compounds in the account tax free. Now all of this sounds good except for one thing. I have no, and I mean NO INTENTION of retiring.




  1. If you plan on working till you die I guess you don't need a retirement account just keep working

  2. Your body doesn't really care about your intentions, and when you're in your 70's, your body might resist your intentions as you grow older.  So make sure you save for a rainy day, or a rainy decade.

  3. If you have no intentions of retiring then what are you planning on doing dieing first. You need to start saving for retirement because when you are old enough to retire you would wish you had. I am 19 and already have a savings started. I don't want to have to work for ever to pay my bills. When I can quit, I am.

  4. It's still a good idea.  Retirement accounts grow tax free until you withdraw the money, which is a great deal.  Also, you have no idea how you'll feel at 60 or 70 or 80.  And besides, there's no such a thing as having too much money.  If you save for retirement and never retire, you can still augment your income with the earnings from those savings when you're older.  

  5. Well, first of all I think you're very likely to change your mind one day.

    Second, you may not have a choice at some point, either due to your employer, the economy, or ill health, etc.

    Third, even if you don't ever retire, there will probably come a time when you wish you had put away a good bit of money.

  6. Well, just in case something happens, it's good to have the cash build up.  You might not be able to work for some reason -- age, laid off, injury.  And if you don't retire, you can have EXTRA cash available to make you live an even more comfortable life than if you spent what you earn as you earn it.

  7. You want to have the choice to retire in the future

    whether you retire or not, it doesn't matter.

    The money is tax deferred until retirement age.

    Save while you are young  - it makes it a lot easier when you are older  and want to have the choice to retire or not

  8. That's today! What will you be saying in 10 years?

  9. if u even might think off it for a secend it will make sence. if u get hurt u might not be able to do the things u want to do

  10. still invest and then when you hit retirement age buy a boat

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