
They say necessity is the mother of all invention...well....?

by  |  earlier

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What would you invent...and why?

I would invent ear plugs that don't actually hurt your ears & that drown out 'all' the noise - hmmmm....must work on that one!!




  1. a wristwatch/pendant/brooch that vibrates when your phone rings.. for girls who always have their phone in their bags and NEVER answer their phone/ hear it ring

  2. A cd of silence would be good. You know where if you played it you would hear would blank out background noise.

  3. Well if that's the case seeing that women are seen by some men as a necessary evil..only good for producing babies why has n't man managed to invent something that stops women having painlful periods and a cure for endometrosis which has made millions of women infertile over the years.

  4. i would invent a bike,car which doesn't need a petrol.

  5. I would invent the medicine which gives instant sympathising to the other persons needs and supply it to all the goverment offices

  6. i would invent a human memory chip , It wud store all my memories digitally. ;-)

  7. I want photo editing software that can change all pixels of one color to another color all at once, instead of having to click each one individually!

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