
They say teh best things in life are free? can u give examples?

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They say teh best things in life are free? can u give examples?




  1. a kiss, a sunset, stopping to smell the roses, the smile on a child's face, the smell of leaves in the fall, being with those you love, worshipping God at the church of your choice

    I could go on, but maybe you get the drift.

  2. Love, Friendship, Faith, Hope, Respect, Trust, Air, Laughter, Family

  3. you got up this morning! The rest is all up to you its all free.

  4. well being one...

  5. sunshine.

    the ability to appreciate beauty in everything around you.

  6. A child's laughter.

    A lover's kiss.

    A mother's advice.

  7. Did it cost you anything to wake up breathing this morning?  

  8. To tell the truth, MONEY!

  9. Your rights

    your heart/conscience

    Freedom of speech

    TOILet Paper in a public toilet.

  10. SLEEP

  11. love family friendship  

  12. unconditional love   laughter   love off a pet

  13. spending time with friends and family, sleep.... etc

  14. water, air, family, love.......etc

  15. love, s*x, sharing moments with husband, children, family and friends.

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