
They say that Usain Bolt's left shoe lace was untied when he crushed the 100m world record. How fast could he?

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How fast could he really have run if

1. First of all he was trying

2. Shoe lace tied

3. Didn't start to celebrate at 70 meters

4. Didn't pound his chest

Here is the photo of the untied shoe lace:,27313,24194652-5014104,00.html




  1. he probably could have gone 9.60.  he isn't on drugs, he just happens to always be dancing or celebrating all the time.

  2. I agree! I think others on the Jamaican sprint team may be on drugs. He breaks the record in one calender year after running it few times. And all 3 sprinters sweeping it for the women?

  3. Jamaican runners do not take drugs. We are just really fast. Stop hating. And I think if Bolt actually wanted to he could have run a 9.50. But he just decided to cruise because he has the 200m and the 4x100m to run. No need to push it. And dont even mention our girls. If it were a certain other country that did a 1-2-2 sweep  nobody would be complaining because lets face it, they are the only ones who ever complains when things dont go their way.

    I think the world had better get ready because Jamaica is gonna take it to them wicked with the 200m and 4x100m.

    Jamaica 2 di flippin universe!!!!!!!


  4. lol, i know! if that was me i woulda worked my butt off the WHOLE 100m :) but he didn't need to i guess, now he can beat it at london in four years!

  5. dude, the Wada had specifically rounded off (figuratively) more than 20 jamaican sportspersons for multiple drug tests.

    I am sure, they want more evidence than ur hunch...

    Jamaica rocks!!

  6. Seriously, i have nothing against him, however, he seem that he could be on drugs... His actions before and after the races seem to be a little too high rather then focus... Second, he started to celebrate at the 70/80m mark where the rest of them are still struggling for their dear life... i can't help thinking it is almost the same as the Ben Johnson case in 1988... and 100m sprint records are not easily broken not to mention this time it is broken by quite a wide margin.  

    Just my 2cents worth...  

  7. he never ties his shoes but i think if he had some one to challenge him he could run a sub 9.60 race. as for the drugs thing it wouldn't suprise me either way he's so long and quick that it could just be be pure raw talent but on the other hand alot of sprinters are on drugs and they have ways to get around the testing. But thats still REALLY FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

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