
They say that everything that goes around comes around...?

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If this is so..Do you think traditional country will ever make a comeback?




  1. We can only hope.

  2. I hope. So many people live in city's and suburbs and are constantly expanding. As some have said, traditional country is on life support. You can tell a real difference of people on Yahoo Anwsers who grew up listening to real country music, and those who have just tuned in because they think that people like Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts are country.  

  3. Maybe, you know that the thing with artist in the present is they want to push the boundaries as far as they can.  Let's hope that once it reaches that point that they will decide to go back to the roots of country music.  

  4. "They" are wrong.The big bands aren't coming  back. Rock&Roll morphed into the Beatles ,and Heavy Metal ...Music, like all things, evolve....but, i have hope for c/w...agree or not, i'll submit Hank III as an example..(band instruments include a bass fiddle and a steel guitar).. he's popular and true to his roots...wish there more like him.

  5. maybe if a whole bunch of new artists come out and get closer and closer to the traditional country sound. It's just a matter of what sells right now. Miranda Lambert and Jamey Johnson are the closest thing to traditional country that is actually selling now. I don't think it matters how many classic country artists sell right now, because they're not around to make more, so they'll only last so long. I think it's more about how many NEW artists can make music that sounds like the older artists. Then they'll be around to make albums for a long time and people will want more of it.

  6. I hope so but I doubt it.  

  7. Hmmm......One could only hope..I love fiddle...and Steel Guitar. I think that's why I LOVE Randy Rogers Band and Kevin Fowler...and others who don't get airplay because they don't play this pop c**p on now.....Hmmm got on my Soapbox..

  8. traditional country went out the window when everyone started using synthesizers in their bands.  I hated it in the 70's, and more in the 80's.  We can only hope for a few more artists like George Strait and the Ace in the Hole Band (who was a breath of fresh air in the 80's).  Then once they start getting a following, hope that the record labels don't try to mold their music into the top 40 c**p...I gotta like Josh Turner's sound right now - he is about as close as it gets.

  9. Not sure about that, they need air play and no one is going to give them it, but one thing I am sure about is no one will be playing the modern day stuff the powers that be are churning out today in 50,40,30,or even 20years from now,I'm playing George, Merle, Waylon, Paycheck, Wynn ect and still enjoying it and loving it,Will anyone from todays music be around then? I don't think so.

  10. I hope so, but at the same time I like new country/ pop like I would like to think Johnny Cash would have really like Heidi Newfield's Johnny and June

  11. I'm afraid not, because the executives who gather the money to put out the records are too young to have appreciated Conway, Hank, Charley and the boys back then.

  12. There are a few artists out there still trying to keep traditional country alive.  I hope it stays around forever.  Songs today just don't touch my heart the way the old country songs did.  Today's artists need to know and learn from the legends that came before them.  Most artists today list Garth Brooks or Tim McGraw as their influences.  That's fine, but what about all the pioneers of this great genre? I see too often how we are steadily losing the legends who made country music what it is.  George Jones said it best: "Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?"

  13. Let it go man.Good grief.All kinds of traditional country music out there.If  everyone sounded like Buck Owens and Porter Wagoner, country would of died long ago.

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