
They say that in the world of the blind, the man with one eye is king...?

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Does that mean that in the country of the ignorant, the man with half a brain is king?

Why do you stay informed? For your own personal benefit? The only thing that makes being informed important is the fact that there are others out there who are and others who aren't. Staying informed takes a lot of work, not to mention it's subject to corruption. So can't we all just stay ignorant and not care what happens, why is there always one person that's going to want to take advantage and control everything? Why is man like this? Is this why we can never have nice things?




  1. We can't all just stay ignorant. It is human nature to want to learn more, to question things, to invent and to explore. It is a part of us to want to find a way how to do things. Also thing about it, would we really have a world if everyone was ignorant or in agreement. Conflict is actually what propels life. If we didn't have to fight for things and work hard to make a living, where would we be now?

    As far as the original question, I am sorry I really don't have an answer.

  2. the problem is the laziness and equanimity of human being we would rather be told what to do and what to believe the figure it out four ourselves. Anarchy (in its true state meaning lack of government and not chaos) would be ideal if humanity was empathetic and sympathetic to others around them. But in our world nothing would get accomplished and crime would run rampant. So humanity mindlessly follows the ideas and morals of there elected (or unelected) leaders.

  3. Human nature. It's inevitable that one man or a group of men will assert themselves over the general populace, unless that group of people takes it upon themselves to govern themselves. That is why the founders of Plymouth Rock (The Mayflower passengers) wrote in the Mayflower Compact, "...we are not like other men." Other men will either assert themselves over others or allow themselves to be ruled.

    The Founding Fathers of our nation understood this natural principle very well, and so created a form of government that would not assert itself over the people like Monarchies and other forms of government do.

    Unfortunately, human nature intervened again, so we have a corrupted system of government, where a group of people try to assert themselves over the masses. It's obvious that the masses have been educated by the government out of thinking for themselves, and as such simply accept whatever "Uncle Sam" throws at them.

    The Founding Fathers knew what they were talking about: John Jay, the first Supreme Court Justice, said that men should prefer Christians as their leaders. Other men said that the Constitution was created to govern a moral and righteous people, and that it is unfit to govern any other. George Washington is credited with saying that it is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible. Now though, we have these ungodly men saying that we should make our own way in the world without thought of God or morality. And we have a behemoth in Washington DC that is much like Rome in its worst hour.

  4. Yes, but he still needs enough of a following to hold power.  It's more than his eye that he'll need.

  5. in the world of the blind, the man with one eye is king was true but not anymore we all can access alot of info, think its more important to know the one eyed king and be able to manipulate him to ur own means, that wot the elite few in power do, not all men are like this just a few and they are the ones with the power, it will always be this way...

  6. is those darn social obligations and responsibilities... I am my brothers keeper... hard to see why... always gets nice things...

  7. hahah! yes exactly!

    wow. people actually think about stuff like this too? i love that you wrote about this. yeah. i believe that everyone wants to be "the top" in at least one thing so they strive to say that "everyone has their calling." yeah right. that's not a natural quote, it's just made up like air guitarists  .. they just didn't have a life and had to go and "make one" out of nothing . ..belggh they annoy the h**l out of me!!  

  8. Somebody with a desired advantage will always have advantages in life, hence at least being able to comprehend the world at depths incomprehensible for blind, was a gateway and at least a partial understanding of their[blind] world and the environment.

    So to be able to understand the world at greater depths was an advantage. The advantage or disadvantage will simply depend on how this helps and serves the blind. The one eye king has an asset, and only he can decide how he wants to use it or how it can be used. For his own personal or even selfish needs or for well being of his fellow men.

    It is not that we are informed is the cause of trouble, but rather we are ignorant. We can only make a sound judgment if we fully comprehend the facts. If we continue through life ignorantly that would mean you must depend on the person who is not ignorant. You will rely on the asset that you lack but someone else does have. Just few centuries back, a literate person was literally a King among his community.

    If we just stick to corruption. There is corruption not b/c we are informed but that we are ignorant. Do we even know what are the underlying causes of corruption.

    It is our responsibility as informed citizens to make sure laws are imposed, but when one choses to be ignorant or doesn't care, then simply corrupt people have a free ride. Only way to tackle is to be informed, understand the issue in all its aspects, and come together to route out corruption.

    Society is not just an individual, rather made up of many individuals with many different views. In life we have to work hard to get what we want, nothing comes easy. In the same way simply being informed is not enough, what you know MUST also be implemented. You need to use what you know to get what you want. A society is simply reflection of individuals that come together as a society!

    "We can easy forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light"

    ~ (Plato)

    A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring, it is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.

    ~ (James Madison)

    "Believe nothing, O monks, merely because you have been told it … or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings—that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.

    ~ (Gautama Buddha)

  9. there is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself physically mentally socially or any other way just for the sake of it.  Making urself a better person is what all people should strive to do, and increasing knowledge and awareness of issues is one of the things that happen to fall in that realm.  We don't all have to walk around uninformed and uninterested just to keep everyone on the same plane and to have nice things.  Some people are more inclined to use more of their abilities mental or physical anyway so its bound to happen anyway.  Our increase of knowledge is good just as an increase in physical ability and health is good etc. we need to use our increased abilities to advance the world and make life better and easier for our fellow man- that is the best use of our knowledge

  10. I'll have what you're having

  11. This is the one thing that sets us apart from other beings in this world, we can think consciously.

      Descartes said it " i think, therefor i am'

    The fact that we can think about ourselves in this way means that we must BE here, in this state, with a thinking brain and a physical body. Thinking consciously, means that we are going to ask ourselves, eventually, 'who am i?', 'why am i here?', 'where have we come from?' etc..  We can't help to want and need to know answers to everything, its simply human to do so.  If we didn't we'd be just like our primate cousins, happy to live in the forest eating, foraging and living transient lives.  Not that that's bad, its an environmentally friendlier way to live anyways!

    The unfortunate fact that there is and always will be corruption in this world is because of greed.  This is a human trait that is not shared with our other worldly friends, thank god. I think we need to rear our young with much more thought and respect, that is the only way we can see some hope for the future.

  12. uh this isnt a qustion

    and i have no idea what ur talking about?

    if ur asking why we cant all get along its beacuse its not human (animal) nature

    in the natrual world u hav to fight and compete to live

    we still have some of those instincts (except the one that is most usefull: senceing danger )  

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