
They say that the price of illegal drugs is down by 70%, with that in mind would it be better to just use the?

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money that the "drug czar" gets to fight this for something else? I mean times are tough as a friend used to say and te only person that will give you a break and not raise prices is a drug dealer. My point is if the Federal drug stuff worked wouldn't drugs be real high (no pun intended) or is my info from the net wrong.

Then again since they have built voer 30 miles of fences on th4e borders that may have a great impact.




  1. The "War on Drugs" is NOT a war against dealers. At least not in reality. In the end, it is a war on addictions, naturally occurring chemical imbalances and just foolish behavior.

    The first step in fighting ANY war is identifying and assessing the enemy.

    In this case, the enemy is the broad mishandling - on a personal level - of a totally unnatural environment and schedule. Stresses and anxiety are generally regarded as 'just normal ups and downs' when in fact, they result from information inundation, near 'sun-level' light throughout the night, fresh garden foods in mid winter and on and on.

    The solution, I think, would be to set up special districts in each population center (or each lower-house district) where - under careful observation - users could actually use legally IF they comply with certain requirements.

    Right now, anyone WITH ENOUGH MONEY can travel to some nation where these drugs are legal and plentiful. By the time they fly back, they're sober and clean again. But, of course, most users can't afford such peculiar jaunts.

    So, set up little districts of special jurisdiction, with a triple-parallel-wall security system about the entire perimeter and then:

    -- require a license for entry

    -- to acquire that license, one must study and pass basic tests on the effects of each drug before they may use it.

    -- These tests would ensure that the licensee have a clear and logical understanding of the results of using that drug.

    -- The test must be reasonably clear yet not too difficult to pass (the intent, remember, is to STOP the deadly trade of 'illegal' drugs as well as to protect society from dangerously wasted drug-users)

    -- Licensees would ALSO agree that, if the drug-use resulted in serious health problems later, NO GOVERNMENT MEDICARE OR MEDICAID would go to treat it.

    -- Each drug-dose would be administered by a trained specialist

    -- Each dose would be numbered (can be done cheaply and accurately) and data kept as to the user, time used, total use of this drug so far, health conditions of user (kept in real time by RFI device), etc

    -- Statistics built (automatically) on users' data would be monitored by M.D.'s specializing in addictions.

    -- Most importantly: users would be PROHIBITED from leaving the 'district' (upscale, nice-looking compound, actually) until completely clean and sober; ie - not a danger to society.

    This would protect all of us from the crime of the Cartels as well as desperate addicts who'd kill for a fix.

    It would divert misspent funding (currently used to fight the elusive dealer) to a search for a real and lasting cure for addictions and/or identifying what chemicals may actually be 'helping' the user (such as when there is a severe chemical imbalance brought on by stress, etc)

    Just my 2 cents!



    BTW, they're slated to complete 600 miles of the fence by the end of '08.

  2. Short answer: No.

    Long Answer: Just because the price of illegal drugs has dropped, doesn't mean you should buy them. It's like just because you have a gun, doesn't mean you should shoot someone.

    If you want to use drugs, use legal ones at least. I'm 100% sure that they are cheaper, and that the main point is that they're LEGAL.

    PS: Don't believe everything you read on the net.

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