
They say that you lose weight from swimming!what do the whales do wrong than?

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They say that you lose weight from swimming!what do the whales do wrong than?




  1. Whales and humans aren't the same. Whales aren't "fat", that's just the way they are built. They need that blubber to stay warm, since they live in the water.

  2. they need the fat to keep them warm.

  3. That's a cute question.

    But 'swimming' (as they mean) requires arms and legs. Whales are a bit lacking there.

  4. For us, it's working new muscles, so we lose weight. To whales it's their natural movements. They don't lose weight for the same reason we don't lose weight walking from our car to the house--no effort involved.

  5. Humans and whales are not the same thing. Humans do not live in the water and do not need blubber to keep warm. Whales do.

  6. You try to eat 10 tones of high fat seafood a day and there is not any amount of swimimng that can help you.

  7. whales aren't overweight they're built like that. duh.

  8. Whales aren't fat - they are just large.  Like giraffes are tall and elephants are huge, and sardines are little.  We all have our different sizes - we are made to the size that fits us.  The problem arises when creatures (including us) eat too much and lose natural body shape and size.  Swimming is very good for weight loss and shaping of muscles - just look at pics of olympic swimmers and see what I mean.

  9. swim with thier mouths open

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