
They say you can be anything you want to be if you put your mind to it but why cant i become a vampire are

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they really that bad or people just don't believe anymore?




  1. You could achieve the aesthetics of a vampire, or at least whatever you interpret those to be. But it is impossible to achieve the biological status of one. There are people who drink blood because they believe it will give them eternal youth. You could follow that trend. All in all, you're going to get sectioned. Enjoy :D

    PS: my girlfriend is a vampire.  

  2. Hahahaha. You have no idea.

  3. because gas is $4.00 a gallon.

  4. Actually, you CAN'T be anything if you put your mind to it. Adults just tell this to kids because you don't always know what you can't be until you try.

    Take all the athletes at the Olympics at the moment. They all WANT to be gold metalists, but despite their years of training and dedication, most of them won't be. However they most certainly wouldn't have been if they didn't try.

    As for becoming a vampire, well they don't exist so there's no point in trying.

  5. well i think a lot of people don't beleive but anything can happen

  6. you can! goto las vegas and apply for a job at one of these casinos ive heard of where they put on vampire shows. they are pretty cool.

  7. you have to be initiated (bitten) to be one. there are plenty of vampires, its just rare to see one. good luck!

  8. Because you have to be born one.

    Real vampires aren't blood-sucking fiends. They are people, humans, that are born with a problem so that they can't make enough energy naturally to sustian themselves. Instead they have to feed from other people's energy to stay healthy. You can't magically make them become your problem, too.

  9. Please be thankful that something are not humanly possible...... For being a vampire does limit your life style.................. Like being alive....

  10. Don't believe everything "They" say.

  11. Its not a conflict to say you can be anything you want, if you put your mind/body/soul into it, and still say someone can't be a vampire.

    The questions is: why do you want to be a vampire? Is it because vampires are cool, and you want to be part of the cool crowd for a change, or is it because vampires are loners, and you don't have to deal with many people, or is it because vampires are powerful, and you think that being a vampire means you will suddenly have power you didn't have before?

    If it is for any of those reasons, becoming a vampire really doesn't change anything. Even among vampires, there are 'cool' vampires and 'un-cool' vampires. Becoming a vampire doesn't mean you automatically become cool. If its because vampires are powerful, you'll end up being a newbie vampire, which means there will be older and seriously more powerful and knowledgeable vampires out there, who will be able to make you feel just as helpless and weak as you do now. If you think being afraid of people is bad enough, try being afraid of things that can do things to you that people only have nightmares about (that whole instant healing factor takes on a new meaning when you're strapped to a table and being cut every few seconds, and that lasts for decades or centuries. Vampires aren't known for their kindness and generosity, despite what the books say.)

    Wanting to be something means wanting to take the bad of it along with the good. Being a successful business person means working long hours and having a sucky social life (much less a married life) but you can get filthy rich doing it. Wanting to be a business person, without counting the costs before hand, doesn't mean someone still can't strive to be them, but attaining their goal might not make them as happy as they might think, if they don't know themselves and what they want before starting out.

    All sorts of ways in which getting what you want can be the worst thing ever. There is a reason why part of an ancient chinese curse goes "May you get what you want."  

  12. I believe in vampires but I don't think you will see them because the yare so well hidden thats why noone believes. You could try looking around.

  13. because they really aretn real the only one that exist today if even that are energy vamps and they feed off energy...i also have herd of pychic vamps you should check out the black veil


    Become a Vampire : The Myth Method.

    Method 1: Have a predisposition to Vampirism.

    Vampirism may occur if you have been subject to one or more of the following:

        * You were conceived on a 'holy' day.

        * During pregnancy your mother was stared at by a vampire or simply did not consume enough salt in her diet.

        * You recieved a curse either in the womb or at birth.

        * You were either weaned too early or were breastfed AFTER being weaned onto solid food.

        * You were born at specific times of the year eg. new moon or a holy day. (I was born on a Sunday - aaaaah!)

        * You were born with more hair than usual (I had a lot of black hair on my head), a red, distinctive birthmark (tiny red star on my left upper thigh hehe), or with two hearts.

        * You were born with a third nipple (ugh!), teeth or a red caul.

        * You are the seventh son of a seventh son.

        * You die at birth without having been baptised.

    Method 2: Commit sinful/bad actions during your lifetime.

    If you have done any of the following, folklore has it that you will transform into a vampire after death:

        * Be a Werewolf.

        * Eat sheep that has been killed by a wolf.

        * Commit suicide. (NOT recommended)

        * Steal the ropes used to lower peoples coffins into the grave. (Real 'Huck Finn' stuff hehe)

        * Take part in acts of witchcraft or sorcery.

        * Be a priest and take Mass whilst being in a 'state of mortal sin'.

        * Be a prostitute, murderer, thief etc and/or generally lead a thoroughly immoral lifestyle.

    Method 3: Return as a vampire through no fault of your own.

    If any of these happen to you at point of death or after burial you'll certainly be back to wreak revenge:

        * Suffer death-by-drowning. (NOT by chocolate)

        * Die a violent death or be murdered.

        * If murdered, have noone take revenge for your untimely death.

        * Have another vampire kill you.

        * Get your brother to sleepwalk.

        * Have someone cast a shadow over your corpse.

        * Arrange for a family cat or bird to jump/fly over your corpse.

        * Have someone wave a candle over your corpse.

        * Have wind from the Russian Steppes blow over your dead body (This could be tricky, unless you are already Russian).

        * Be buried face up in your grave. (Romanian myth)

  15. we are a little more civilized now than in the 14th century.

  16. Well honey

    go attack someone in the park and drink their blood

    And if you believe hard enough

    youmight just sprout bat wings

  17. Um, well you can just go around shooting people up with tranquilizers, then drag them to an undisclosed location and suck their blood while they're unconscious. Do it for sustenance. But beware of hepatitis—and AIDS.

    Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it.

    But you can't be the undead, flying-through-the-night kind of vampire. That kind don't exist, sweetie.

  18. Because, you couldn't become a dog if you tried that.  It is the same with vampires, you have to be born as one.

  19. you CAN become a vampire. have cosmetic dentisrty to get your fangs (you can have it done). change your lifestyle..stay up all night sleep all day etc..decorate your place with cobwebs and antiques.. old stuff or whatever yo a coffin to sleep in during the daylight hours. i am sure this is possible

  20. I guess technically you could go around biting people on the neck, drinking their blood, and call yourself a vampire, so yes you can do it in a sense but not literally.

  21. i wanted to be a mermaid when i grew up : )

    now im studying biotechnology : (

  22. maybe one will see this post and bite you!

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