
Thick eyeglass lenses?

by  |  earlier

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So this is my prescription for both eyes -3.00-0.75x180

and when I went to buy eyeglasses the other day, the sales guy told me I'd have to buy the more expensive lighter, thinner lenses, or else they'd be like coke bottle lenses. And he showed me an example of what they would look like and they were literally 2 inches thick! My eyesight is like moderately bad ,so would my glasses really be that thick if I had the normal lenses?




  1. chuck those glasses & try on some contact lenses. why pay for more expensive lenses & frames AND be stuck with one look when you can wear anything (nice sunglasses) with your contacts on? the disposables ones are quite affordable & works out to about the same cost of having to change your glasses yearly. besides they have the added advantage of lowering/stabilizng you power.

  2. YES

  3. Yes he is telling you the truth. Do yourself a favor and get the thin ones they may cost a little more but then you won't be self conscious about them.

  4. That perscription is not very strong at all, if it is correct, is very close to mine, my lenses are the regular type, they are about 1.5" x 2'' and are only about 3/16" thick at the edges; they are about the same thickness as the plastic frames, so there would be no real benefit to me by spending money to make them thinner.

    Either the guy has accidentally (or maybe deliberately) picked out the wrong lenses to show you (maybe to scare you into spending more money, than you need to). Also the lenses they have as blanks are way larger than most of the frames people get, so the thickest part of the lens is getting cut off to fit them into the frames anyway.

    It could also be that the guy is correct and you have accidentally listed a prescription that is much weaker than you actually need, so you might want to double check the numbers.
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