
Thick glass makes a popping noise, breaks in half, no one around but me, not a dream, what does this mean?

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The glass is in a regular room setting, not hot. I actually use it as a pen holder.




  1. "Despite its solid appearance, glass and gels are actually in a "jammed" state of matter — somewhere between liquid and solid — that moves very slowly.So even though glass is a hard substance, it never quite becomes a proper solid, according to chemists and materials scientists."

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    Glass has many things that can effect how it behaves. Go to the website above and read about guys who proved someones theory about glass not being a solid or liquid but somewhere in between. Glass is very unpredictable and we may sometimes not know it until it breaks. The article is very interesting reading.

  2. Thick glass often has a lot of internal stress (because of the way it is manufactured).  With that internal strain, as the glass gets older and weaker, it can fail suddenly, especially if a pen or something is sitting or resting on a weak point. The glass could be fine for years before failing suddenly with a pop as the stress is released.  Startling, but nothing to worry about.

    That's the scientific explanation, the not-so-scientific explanation is probably a ghost.

  3. It's a sign, u should not wear thick glasses....maybe try contacts

  4. could a bird have run into it?  Has it been super hot where you are?  there are many things that could have caused it, but I think its a big scary ghost trying to steal your brain!

  5. It could just be a natural phenomenon, but it could be another presence too. No one can tell you for sure, not without feeling the energies in your room. Just accept it and don't be afraid - if it is a spirit, most are friendly and docile. It probably is lonely or just has unfinished business and once you acknowledge it and it figures out that you're not a threat and you're not afraid of it, it will do whatever it needs to and move along.

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