
Thickness of womb lining?

by Guest60655  |  earlier

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does anybody know what is the normal thickness of the womb lining?we are currently ttc and started our first round of clomid this month after a spontanious bleed of 1 day and 2 days of spotting(the nurses at the clinic told me to take the clomid) just over a week before i took the clomid i had a hy-co-sy which showed my tubes are not blocked and that my womb lining was 10mm so i should be having a period very soon.Today i went for my day 12 scan which showed that there are no follicles :-( and that the lining of my womb is 20mm thick they also said the cyst that is on my ovary has now almost doubled in size.They seem quite concerned about this and ihave got to go back on friday for another scan.sorry about the long explination but just wanted to give as much info as possible.Does anyone know how thick the lining should normally be and has anybody had a similar experience?




  1. In order for an embryo to implant into the uterus the womb lining must be at least 7mm. I know that is the minimum because I have been having fertility treatment over the past year and they won't go ahead until my lining is at least 7mm. With regard to the cyst sorry I don't have experience of that but it may be that you have PCOS. I would ask at the hospital next time you visit. Good luck and baby dust to you and me ***~~~~~***

    P.S. I wouldn't worry if there are no follicles this time. Clomid works wonders and altough I didn't get pregnant I ovulated each month.

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