
Thier is a gift that runs in our family and apparently i can tell when too watch out for warning signs?

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yesterday i was at the grocery store b4 the cash register brought up the milk sumthin in my mind told me too look at the the date of it and soo i did and it was bad in 2 days and then one time b4 i went walkin i saw a vision i was gettin attacked and then 5 mins later it happend is all that a part of my gift the warning signs and signals?




  1. Yeah, definitely sounds like it could be. And it's not "warning signs", like it's something bad. It's not a curse, it's a gift. So those are just some things that happens. When the phone rings, do you tend to know whose there (and are usually right)? Do you have this knack for knowing who to trust and who not to? Or what things to put your effort/energy into (because you know they'll work out for you) and which ones not to? Have vivid dreams most nights that stand out in your mind? Have a "gut instinct" you can rely on...and know it's almost always right?

    Sounds like you might have clairvoyance. I'm clairsentient for the most part, a feeler (I feel other people's emotions and the general "atomosphere" of a room, I can feel and sense energy), but I do have clairvoyance as well (just not as strong)  and these are a lot of the things I have and do often experience. Is there anything you can do? No. You could meditate, it will help you learn to concentrate and focus, to get rid of all the mental "noise", but chances are, it'll develop all on its own.

    Love and light

  2. Yes, intuition is real. Depending on your genetic make-up, your birth date, exposure and state of mind, you can feel, see and do something strange like premonition. You're lucky if you can interpret it yourself. Wondering if you're under sign of Capricorn, they need others to interpret their gift of ESP & intuition. Beware just like miracles others will never understand nor believe, don't worry you got the gift, they don't. Use your gift for goodness, it will  stay.

  3. You are working with your higher self - your spirit. The other word for it is intuition. This happens when we stop being influenced by outside forces (our external environment) and we start to listen to ourselves - our wants and needs. To develop your skills try meditating. Do web searches on it. Meditation helps you to listen to your spirit better and strengthens your mind and body. This will also help you to strengthen your psychic abilities - especially premonitions.

  4. omg...

    I think even if you believed in this sort of rubbish, you have to agree that evidence given here is pretty flimsy at best. Come on seriously though - off milk - wow there’s some insight. Your 'inner eye' must be very sensitive indeed. lol

    sighs, rolls eyes, backs slowly out of the room...

  5. no, more likely you just forgot to check the expiration date, and you know that you always should check it, because grocery store workers sometimes overlook those things.

    Maybe when you were walking, you just felt like you were in a bad situation. You got attacked, and now you have embellished that feeling to match with your self-delusion of being psychic.

  6. Congratulation.  Now maybe you can use this gift to help you learn how to type and spell(or at least use spell checker).

  7. U have ESP extra sensory perception. Congrats!!

  8. You should take notice of these warning signs, they are very real, yesterday I ignored a stop sign on the road and another car drove into me.

  9. and the question is.....

  10. Does this Gift tell you to get to an English class?

    Really though.  It might be that in the back of your mind you realized you had not checked the date, and as for the attack, maybe you were picking up danger signals but they were not registering in your conscious.

  11. Hone your gift and join Operation Stargate, go to the CIA and they will sign you up

  12. it must be if you say it runs in your family,i mean someone in your family has tell you this + the experiences they also had,

    so is good to follow your instincs sometimes (like in these cases)i guess is a form of Precognition(“a getting to know”)

    this is the definition;denotes a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person is able to perceive information about places or events before they happen through paranormal means.A related term, presentiment, refers to information about future events which is perceived the form of emotions or feelings at the autonomic level. These terms are considered by some to be special cases of the more general term clairvoyance.check the links for more info-

  13. I check the milk date all the time.  I am also uncomfortable walking around in bad areas.  Does that mean I have ESP?

  14. What I want to know is if it runs in your family why didn't anyone else warn you about the attack.  I would give them family folk a good talkin to!

  15. Yes, a very rare gift at that. It's called E.S.P- the 6th sense.  some people have it, some don't. Some don't know one way or the other. And some who don't know if or not,  sort of do, but haven't developed it. Use it wisely, and never ignore it.

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