
Thigh workout questions?

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i'm wondering if frog squats are really useful, like will it really make ur thighs really strong and slimmed, also i would like to know how much the thighs contribute in running. I'm a runner but this question never came to me until now, is running mostly dependant on the lower part of the legs (part below knees) or does the thighs play a part (part above knees) if so how much of a part does the thighs play (like the %).

Thanks for taking the time, and answering my questions




  1. i think your thighs are one of the most important part for running along with your abs and arms. a good thigh workout is to lunge up a steep hill a couple of times

  2. it does help in your run.  core exersices, wall sits, and squats will help build muscle there.  running will also help.  it helps you get more speed in your races.

    good luck.

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