
Thighs rub together when running!?

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Okay, I need serious help with this. My thighs are like the only place that have fat, and whenever I run (everyday) they rub together, and by the third mile, it really hurts. And I run 6 miles a day so I'm in pain for another 3 miles. How do I get rid of the fat in that area?




  1. If you don't like the idea of putting on vaseline, try bike shorts or skins, and another idea is talcom powder, gods gift to chaffeage.

  2. An easier fix than losing the fat is really works! Hills, sprints, and running in general will get rid of the fat..until it's gone though really use works wonders. At running camp we're never without it.

  3. I'm serious this is not a joke fore your thighs use vaseline for your feet also if your getting allot of friction. i would use it on my feet they would be burning and red after a few miles  

  4. Spot reduction is impossible as the previous poster said, however, running will naturally tone your legs, because you are working them out a lot.

    Larger thighs tend to run in my family, while I still have them, they barely touch now.

    While they did touch though, I used to wear slightly longer shorts... Kind made out of sweat resistant material... You know the swishy kind (only you can get some that don't make the noise)... This aided in my thighs not rubbing, because they would slide so easily... If that makes sense.

  5. Cycling and swimming really help you tone down especially around your thighs. Dancing keeps you slim and toned and gives you great legs. If your in pain try applying baby powder before you go running to stop them rubbing too much..

  6. Use bodyglide, Chafe eez

  7. Try petroleum jelly (Vaseline).  See source for more details.

  8. try doing lunges and squats idk sorry don't really know but its worth a try

  9. Spot reduction is impossible. Put band aids on your inner thighs where they rub together, then the bandaids will rub together instead. Wait you're a girl, you don't have hair there, you can actually just use regular tape and use as much as you need. I had this same problem and would get blood on my thighs from it. Once I started running more and more though my running form became better (if your thighs are rubbing they are too close and it'll slow you down).

    If you really want to just get rid of the fat there (could be unhealhty if you already have a low body fat %), then eat around 1800 calories, 55% carbs, 25% fat, and 20% protein and you will lose fat at a rate of 1.5 lbs a week, follow this diet until you get your desired results.

  10. i personally don't want to rub vasaline on my thighs when running. GROSS! so what i found to help this is under armor or any other sports spandex shorts. get the ones that are just above the knee. works wonders!

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