
Thiking of getting a combi boiler,however I am told that this type of boiler is a "one tap boiler"is this true

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If a bath is filling upstairs, taps down stairs cannot be used at the same time?




  1. Yes you are right.

    A combi is a one tap boiler, but you can put as many taps as you like on the circuit, but you will only get a full flow from one at a time.

    If somebody runs the bath, you have to wait before you fill the sink.

    But they are only suitable for small places and this is not really a problem, you just have to learn to live with it.

    The only real problem with them is if you are running a shower and somebody else turns a tap on downstairs, the shower stops running just as you are going to wash the soap from your eyes.

    No fun that.

    But all systems have this same problem to a greater or lesser degree.

    So go ahead and get a combi, as long as you understand they have limitations , they are very good.

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