
Thin Hair....please help/answer?

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I have very thin hair, so I keep it about my shoulders to keep it thicker looking. I have naturally wavy hair but I keep it straight.

Lately I've noticed my hair falling out. I know certain seasons you lose more hair than usual. I just don't like it.

So is there anything I can do to make my hair thicker, or am I just stuck with the thin hair god gave me?




  1. You should really look into Nioxin products. then click on asess my needs, it gives you a little survey about your hair and then recomends which products would be best.  But they are great for fine/thinning hair.  i have used them on myself and recommended them to clients who also loved it.

  2. i have thin hair too

    but i just tease it and it looks good

    it falls out sometimes

    but not anymore since i've used


    shampoos and conditioner

    theres another cheap product called

    Got 2b hair thickener

    you can find it with other Got 2b products

    and you can get it for under $6

  3. What god gave you is what you will always have. I am the unfortunate one in my family that got stuck with the thin hair gene. The way I keep my hair looking full is to tease my entire head everyday. Try purchasing a teasing brush from Sally's Beauty Supply and tease your hair from the roots.  

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