
Things about France?

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What are some things I should know before going to France to do business? Include information on dress, gift giving, making a deal and negotiation, entertaining and public behavior?




  1. To begin with, one should always keep in mind that the French are more formal than Americans.

    Our habit of using first names immediately upon meeting is not the custom nor is the general quick familiarity by which Americans readily exchange detailed personal information to strangers. So be more reserved than you might be at home.

    If you do speak French then remember to use the "vous" form until invited to use the familiar "tu."

    If you don't speak French it will be worth taking the time to acquire at least a rudimentary ability. Even if your language skills are poor the effort will be appreciated.

    The French are more focused on  appearance than Americans and, in many ways, France is a more class conscious society than America.

    Unless you have specific information about the individuals you will be dealing with that says otherwise, dress formally and wear the highest quality clothing. Slovenly dress is rarely a plus anywhere but it is particularly frowned on in France.

    Moreover, while going to a prestigious school is certainly a plus in America, in France a very high percentage of the political and financial leadership are alumni of a tiny handful of "Grades Ecoles." Be aware that this both influences their perceptions of you and means that the "old boy network" very much a factor in much that happens.

    Political affiliations also carry over into business more strongly than in America and the myriad, relatively small, political parties in France make these connections more personal.

    Be circumspect on gift giving. Flowers are usually the safest choice if invited to someone's home. Do not include a business card with any gift.

    Business negotiations are somewhat more tendentious and sometimes remind me of a debate. A ready command of facts and figures and the ability to delineate very carefully constructed logic are essential. The behavior of the participants will be direct and often inquisitorial. Don't hesitate to respond in kind.

    In general the French work ethic, IMHO, seems considerably below that of Americans and can drive you to distraction. The average Frenchmen works fewer hours than does the average American. Be prepeared to accept this.

  2. They hate Americans.

  3. I can advise some books which are full of good advice and also fun to read.

    "French or Foes" is pretty good, written by an American lady who does some consulting about what you want to do.

    If you read French, there is an American journalist called Ted Stanger who has been living in France for quite some time. He wrote some books called "Sacres Yankees" (Dammed Yankees) about American people and "Sacres Francais", his new opus is "Sacres Fonctionnaires" about French public servants. (If you want to do business in France you will have to deal with them more than once it is a very good read). They give you a good view of French people but also of how American are seen there.

    Hope this helps

  4. I'm French!

    It depends a lot of your age, and the sector where you'll work..

    I'll presume that you are a guy? aren't you? So, you have to wear suit with a tie... Be shaved and be perfumed... (color of the suit : Grey, black.. not flashy colors! but dark ones are required ;)

    your gift depends on where you come from? French people like diversity, so if you can bring some specialties of your country... You can also give flowers, chocolate or champagne!

    You haven't to be shy... French people like to speak (a lot) but not to much! during meetings, you have to speak and express your ideas, ask questions (people need to know that you are not sleeping in the appointment!)

    Feel free if you have any other questions!  (I don't know what you want to know about entertaining and public behavior... sorry ;)

  5. There is a fantastic book called "Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands" you can buy on Amazon or at the bookstore.  I have used it countless times as I have traveled all over the world.  It has VERY practical tips on doing business, getting gifts, etc in over 85 countries (including France).  Good luck!

  6. do you speak french?
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