
Things about Spain?

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I need to know things about Spain. I am 15 and I need to know about the schools there. when do they start? when do they finish? how long is the lunch? do they party every night, or stay at home? tell me anything a 15/16 year old could use, please.





  2. Children in Spain start primary education at 6 and they finish it at 11. Secondary education lasts 4 years, from 12 to 15 and those who finish it, get their degree in Secondary education. Compulsory education finishes here. Then those who want to study at university have to study 2 more years of what we call "Bachillerato"; there are some compulsory subjects for all of them: Spanish, English, French, Philosophy, History, Computers, Physical Education but  they can choose among  different options with some other different subjects, depending on what they want to study later: Chemistry, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, Economics, Geography, Biology.... Those who don´t want to go to university, can go to professional schools where they learn a profession.

    Secondary and "Bachillerato" students go to school from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm; our sessions are of 55 minutes each and there are a couple of breaks (a longer one, of about 20-25 minutes and a short one of 10-15 minutes, depending of the school). We have breakfast at home and then have some snack during the first break, at about 10.30 am (a sandwich, a piece of cake, a piece of fruit..). Our main meal is lunch, so when our students get home after school we eat a 2 or 3 course meal and dessert (generally fresh fruit). It´s not compulsory to come back to school in the afternoon, unless they have some extracurricular subjects offered in some schools: English, dancing, computers, basketball, football... there´s a wide variety of them and they are not the same in all schools.

       Free time? After lunch they usually have a rest; take into account our lunch is our main meal! Then they have to study for the next day (homework) or attend extracurricular lessons. Dinner is at about 10 pm and it depends on every family: may be a sandwich or something more elaborated. They watch TV for a while and then go to bed.

       They usually party on Friday evenings and maybe on Saturday. They love going out together in big groups and gather in some square to speak and socialise. You cannot buy alcoholic drinks until you are 18 but in fact there are many small shops where you can buy beer or something stronger to share with a group of friends in the street!! They say drinking in bars and pubs is too expensive for them. There are some discos especially for under 18 year olds where they only serve soft drinks until a fixed time, normally 10 or 11 pm.

    At weekends, those who practise some sports have their games. Sometimes they also go to the cinema.

    Anything else you would like to know?? Just say so!!
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