
Things are wrong! What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Too much **** is happening and I don't want to be part of it. People are killing and dying. People are going mad. Not the fun kind of mad either. I just want to be safe and lay in bed for the rest of my life. There doesn't seem to be much good outside of bed.

It's so stressful and upsetting. I can't even think straight anymore. I don't understand how everyone is going on with their happy little lives and ignoring all of this. I just don't know.

What should I do? My head is hurting. My thoughts are becoming scattered and I can't focus anymore. Everything in this world has gotten so much worse in a matter of days.




  1. I hate to say this, things around the world have been just as intense for quite some time.

    You have to learn to control the things you can and realize that you can't do anything about the rest. Would you live your life in fear? What kind of life is that? Enjoy what you can. Prepare for what you can... And cest le vie to the rest. Any other attitude and you will go crazy. Focus on the great stuff in your life and the great stuff out there. Great works of art. Scholars. The beauty in nature. If you believe in a God, now is thet time to draw on that. There is beauty in the world There is beauty in people. The negative does not negate the good.

    If things are that overwhelming, talk to your doctor. You may need counseling or meds to help you deal with the rest.

  2. It sounds like something in your own life happened recently, or you have mood swings for little reason like me.  The world hasn't really changed much in the last few days.  It's always had wrongness mixed in with what's right.  It's a matter of focusing on it, or rather, not focusing on it.  I try not to since there isn't much I can do to change it.  If I could change it, then there would be a reason.  Without a reason, it just makes me feel bad.  Or, when I feel bad, I think about it.  Bah.  Talk to your psychologist.  If something did happen recently, talk a lot about that.  It's probably what has you down.  Until then, try playing on the computer or watching a movie or going for a run or anything that doesn't require much thought but does require enough to distract you from negative thinking.

  3. You should go to the doctor and print this out for him/her.   They can refer you to a specialist or give you medication to help you out for a while until you can figure out (with a doctor's help) how to deal with life.

    Don't delay, as depression or anxiety is very serious and is quite miserable.  But it can be treated by doctors.

  4. I would suggest telling you that things are not as bad as they seem they never are.

  5. yes, there are a lot of terrible things in the world, but there are many people not going around with their happy little lives and ignoring this. people all over the world are getting out of bed and trying in there own ways (however little) to make the world a better place where they live. if you want to do something, get up and smile at the neighbour, do someones laundry. take someones dog for a walk or do some babysitting for a new mum so she can have some time to herself.

    the world may not be a wonderful place, but its where we live and the people around us need a smile, a hug, a chat...... its not all bad, and there is Someone who knows what is going on, and He will work things out. we must just do our bit..... smile, it costs nothing to  give, and can make someones day. God bless. x

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