
Things i should put on my 2008 to do list???

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Ok i'm in 7th grade && i am making a 2008 to do list && i have quite a bit of things on their but i want to have tons of stuff. I want to you know stuff to do when i hang out with friends but also want to know cool things to do just you know to accomplish things that are fun. yeah so any ideas please please anything will work just yeah i need help.




  1. What about something like...

    Meet someone famous.


    I think that would be fun.


    Hope you have a good time!

  2. I read in a magazine that before you turn 16, you should go to the movies by yourself. Apparantely it is great for your self-esteem.

    But also I think that if you set an amount of money (maybe $300 or something) and try and save that much it can be really cool, especially when you get there! And you can use it later when you really want to buy something.

    Something fun to do once you have saved the money is bungy jumping or sky diving! Or go to a local aquarium and go swimming with sharks!

    I think the most important thing is to conquer one of your fears. If you are scared of the dark, turn the power off at your house for a day and use candles. If you are scared of heights do a bungy jump. If you are scared of spiders find one around somewhere and look after it as a pet for a while, holding it in your hands often. Find something that suits you. =D

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