
Things not to say on a first date?

by Guest59434  |  earlier

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  1. Actually, I say, say anything that's honest! It's a first date, start out with honesty.

    But then again I also believe that making a bad impression first is the best way to go because then, you can only improve. :)

    On my fiance and I's first date, I made a horrid impression. I cried. Drank too much wine. Told him my entire life story. He told me things like, "I dont do relationships." ..and well, I proved him wrong, he does do relationships as we're getting married. And, the impression he got of me? He says now he knew we were good because he didn't want to run away from me when I cried.

  2. 1. i love you

    2. ok wiked funny the other night i was having s*x with my ex's best friend and....

    3. my purse is full...could u hold my vagisil?

    4. do u think im pretty

    5. where do u see us in 5 years

    6. how much do u think i weigh? (my friend went on a date with a girl who actually asked him to guess her weight and bra size..he wanted to kill himself haha)

    7. you're brother/ sister is look nothing alike!

    all bad!!

  3. how big is your package

    are you a virgin

    do you like my b***s?lol

    how many sexual partners have you had

    do you have an STD

    your last date

    money problems

    family problems


    bitter breakups

    # of kids

    im a good copycat :]

  4. I have aids.

  5. Anything about your last date, money problems, family problems , or any problems period.  that's what comes to mind.

  6. Try not to complain about unimportant things.  You don't want to appear too picky.  Don't talk about past relationships, especially the negative aspects of them.    Don't do all of the talking.......ask questions to keep the conversation flowing.  

    Have a nice time.

  7. Don't talk about past relationships, especially bitter breakups.

    Don't mention that you can't wait to get married and have eight kids. :)

  8. Ive got 4 kids*

  9. how big is your package

    are you a virgin

    do you like my b***s?lol

    how many sexual partners have you had

    do you have an STD

    just a few to name haha

  10. Nothing too personal, just mostly small talk.

  11. i have a std, im on bail? seriously, no family issues, whining, moaning or anything like that, its a real turn off.

  12. Well, in general, you don't want to get too personal, opening up to much about the bad aspects of your life or bad experiences. Dates are supposed to be a brief introduction about the person, but you don't want to go in to deep and scare the other person away, for example: I once got some toilet paper stuck on my behind as I walked away, or, my brother is g*y, things like that.

    It's more about what you do for a living, what you want from a prospect partner, etc, not so sensitive stuff.

  13. a fist date can be akward and that is why it is important to keep the conversation going! if i can give you any advice i would tell you; people LOVE to talk aobut themselvs, its human nature even if we dont realise it! so dont be afraid to sak questions and listen this is a great time to learn about your date!

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