
Things that are different in beach volleyball

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Things that are different in beach volleyball
Even though they are essentially the same game, there are significant differences between indoor volleyball and beach volleyball. Other than the most obvious one, that one is played indoors while the other on the beach there are distinct differences in the rules of the games as well as skills and techniques of the two.
For instance, there is no such thing as a Ball mark in indoor volleyball but beach volleyball makes use of this in order to determine whether the contact made by the ball was inside or outside the court. This analysis can be made as a Ball mark is the disturbance made on the sand when the ball touches the sand court. This easily provides evidence to judge whether the ball landed inside or outside the beach volleyball court.
However, the Ball mark cannot be determined by any referee as only the 1st referee can make the call to start making the examination. This process of examining the Ball mark is known as the Ball-mark protocol.
Generally, the term Court Switches is used to describe the process when the two teams change sides on the court. As the maximum number of sets that can be played in beach volleyball differ from those that can be played in indoor volleyball, the term Court switches take on a different meaning in the two games. The maximum number of sets that can be played in beach volleyball are three, with the first two sets generally having a maximum of 21 points while the third set generally having a maximum of 15 points.
As a result, Court switches take place after every seven points in both sets one and two while in the third set; it takes place after every five points.     
The players in a beach volleyball match can also make a Joust. It is done when both the players from the opposite team make contact with the incoming ball over the net. However, the contact will only be called a Joust if it is done with open fingers.
There is a term which is unique to beach volleyball and that is called Kong block. This term has been made official in honour of the legendary beach volleyball player Randy Stoklos, who used to block the incoming ball by using one hand only.
Beach volleyball also allows its players to use a specific kind of defence technique that is not allowed in indoor volleyball. This is called Beach defence. The players in beach volleyball can make use of this technique to make the ball cross the net to the other side. However, this can only be done if the incoming ball is approaching at a very fast pace. The beach volleyball players make a beach defence by holding the ball a bit longer than is generally allowed.
Despite the common perception that beach volleyball is a relatively harder and a more complicated sport to play as compared to indoor volleyball, people who are fond of the game as well as the beach enjoy the sport immensely.  
Misty May had the following views to share about beach volleyball, “It takes a lot of hard work and dedication just like any pro sport. Especially for beach volleyball you don’t have to be tall or as fast as other sports. You just have to have the skills.”
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not represent’s editorial policy.



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