
Things that bug me....?

by Guest33538  |  earlier

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Why is it OK to have an NAACP but the white people can't have their own group. Also, the American ***** College Fund.. why do they only want to be called those names when they want money... How about the American White College Fund... talk about discrimination in the highest degree... why can't we all just get along???




  1. White people have had their own group for centuries--the top dog group--and enjoyed immense priveledges being in that top group. They got jobs and a higher place in society than people of any colour group. They could go anywhere in society and were not barred or forced to sit in lesser comfort as they forced those who they deemed inferior.

    Is it really going to affect your life style and quality, if minority groups get a push up or special treatment sometime?

  2. Because the entire society was set up to favor Whites, and oppress Blacks.

    Whites have gazillions of groups, and all sorts of help; yet you have a problem with ONE group committed to one group that isn't White; the College Fund got its name before N*gro was deemd offensive (being too like the even MORE offensive word).

    95% of college funds have gone to Whites.

    The reason we can't get along is because there are ignorant haters who think that continuing to oppress the oppress is a GOOD thing, but that fairness and equality are evil.

    If not for such sub-humans, we COULD get along just fine.

    No, discrimination in the highest degree is when a majority oppresses a minority, and then punishes them for having been oppressed.

  3. It is reverse racism and most white people won't stand up , because they believe want the jew run media tells them . They feel it is owed to them and that it is wrong to help out thier own kind .

  4. cause' the world is effin' stupid.

  5. White people do have their own group - it's called "the government".

    We can't get along - that is precisely WHY you have the NAACP, the AFL-CIO, the ACLU, etc.

  6. I think it is ittiotic how black people say they want to be with us and equal to us yet they keep creating ways to set them apart for example black history classes. This just makes it so that the black history isnt in the regular class get rid of it and than join the two classes forget about all this black and white c**p. It doesnt matter so stop pretending that it does. Yes there are dumb black people but there are just as many dumb white people race has nothing to do with it.  If this sounds racist sorry but uts how I feel.

  7. How about Miss America that everyone participates in....and then Miss Black America?

    Same principle. Its just how it is.

  8. "Whoever attacks a matter without knowledge cuts off his own nose."

    - Jafar al-Sadiq

    Do you know how the United ***** College Fund Works? Any clue at all? It is not race based at all.

    The United ***** College Fund gives money away based on two criteria:

    1) Attending a HBCU (historically black college or university)

    2) Financial need.

    HBCU's were created because WHITES would not allow blacks to attend their colleges -- SEGREGATION! Most of the original black schools are still open today. These colleges, some private and some public, use the UNCF to give ALL STUDENTS, NO MATTER OF RACE, financial assistance based on need.

    IT IS AMAZING HOW FEW PEOPLE KNOW THIS... For example, a black student who attends the University of Michigan cannot receive funding from the United ***** College Fund. Further, a WHITE STUDENT who attends Florida A&M University CAN GET FUNDING FROM THE UNCF BASED ON FINANCIAL NEED...

    Next, there are tons of private clubs and organizations that give money to WHITE STUDENTS BASED ON RACE IN AMERICA. My best friend did German Folkdance in a private German Culture club. Their club gave away scholarship money to their member students to study German language or German history in college. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF GROUPS LIKE THIS ACROSS AMERICA.


    Lastly, Jews and Whites were instrumental in forming the NAACP. You should actually study the history of UnitedNEGROCollegeFUND and NAACP before asking this.


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