
Things that will happen to the earth if we don't stop CO2?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have to write a short speech with pictures on what will happen to the earth if we don't stop global warming and limite co2. i got the beginning part of it but i need more facts and evidence that will make their jaws drop. easy 10 pts.♥




  1. Well, you cannot stop global warming and you can only reduce man-made CO2 emissions, which makes up a very small fraction of CO2 in our atmosphere and is not enough to effect warming.

    The Earth will change with warming, even though its natural and that my pose a problem to our society. More storms like Katrina, the spread of tropical diseases like malaria, more polluted water, less land with good climate to grow food on, etc.

    But, if the warming trend continues, and it might, there is nothing we can do about it. Its a natural cycle.

    So maybe you should think of ways we can deal with the heat since we cannot stop it.

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