
Things to clip towels to the bottem of Rabbit's cage

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I want something to clip towels to the bottem of fern's cage so the towels do not move around. Is one of these ok?

I also used some safty pins on the edge, clipping the towel to the bars of the cage. She cannot get hurt by them or anything.

Any other suggestions? Are my ideas ok?




  1. Hello,

    I would really recommend against using towels in the cage. They will become saturated with urine and f***s almost instantly. Even if you change them our once a day, that is still a full day your rabbit is lying in that stuff.

    If you must keep your rabbit in a solid bottom cage, use non-toxic shavings or even better -- Care fresh or another absorbent bedding.

    I would recommend an all wire cage. All wire cages provide a much more sanitary environment as all the waste falls through to a tray below. You can put an easy to clean plastic mat in the cage to give your rabbit something to rest his/her feet on.

    Here is an example of the mat:

    Here is an example of a cage:

  2. rabbits love to tear things apart, i tryed lining my rabbits cage with paper towel, and he completely destroyed it. it was ripped apart within minutes. he does the same to my blankets and clothes. you can super glue them down and the rabbit will still rip it off. rabbits like to lay on the bottom of the cage. all of mine always push the bedding out of their way and lay on the bottom.

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