
Things to do and see in ireland?

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i am considering a trip to ireland for high school graduation, what are some fun things for a group of 18 year olds to do there? where are the best places to stay and to visit? what kind of transportation?




  1. that place with the ceili dancing is called johnny fox's pub in the wicklow mountains. It is (apparently the highest pub in the country).

    Dublin is always popular...plenty to do/see. It's expensive in comparison to other cities in the Irish republic. Cork, Galway, Kilkenny are also worth visiting. The scenic (mountains, waterfalls, sheer cliffs, forests) places are in the West and South - Clare, Kerry, Galway. Buses/trains out of Dublin every hour.

    If you want traditional - (to see Ireland as it almost was for the past 50/100 years ago) while still having fun, go to small villages in the South, mainly west cork. This is where you meet the characters.

    Belfast is great also, cheaper than Dublin, regular trains there.

    Generally check out the universities for cheaper restaurants (still good though), music gigs, theatre, and plenty of opinion and advice from other young people.

  2. Hi there - An awful lot depends on your interests, budget and available time.

    Dublin probably has the best party scene for hipsters, its big, modern, busy, expensive and has a LOT to offer in terms of history, culture, events etc.

    Rural Ireland tends to provide more in terms of what most visitors expect of Ireland.

    My advice for a 2 week visit is land in Shannon Airport and head to Kerry, particularly Killarney, which caters well to tourists and has amazing castles, countryside, seascapes and really great people. Plan at least 4 days here. Then head to Dublin via Cork City (visit the English Market). Enjoy Dublin for 2 days then head to Northern Ireland (don't worry - its as safe as anywhere) Belfast, Derry then over to Donegal and down to Galway and back to Dublin or Shannon Airport (less busy).

    Try and catch a sporting event particularly hurling, rugby or horse racing. Go to a religious ceremony and try Guinness (or Murphys Stout in Cork).

    The site below has a lot of useful resources and tips and is regularly updated...

  3. I can't remember the name of the place exactly, but a few miles south of Dublin along the coast there is this building that hosts is WONDERFUL....all kinds of rooms with Irish dancing, Irish music, and they teach you how to Irish dancing was the best experience I had in Ireland...sorry I can't help with the name right now but go on line and type in ceile ireland dublin...see if it comes up anywhere....wish you   wink....I plan SURPRISE getaways!  I love to travel!

  4. Go to the Guiness Brewery.

  5. Have you ever been to Priest Coursing , Its were they release a couple of Priests into a track or course and they start running like the clatters for escape hatches at the end of the course as a couple of large Rottweilers are released its very entertaining ..Mostly the priests escape but occasionally the dogs get one....its not pretty

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