
Things to do around Ireland in the offseason?

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We are wondering what attractions must be seen around Ireland especially Galway.




  1. Galway city has plenty of nice places to go and see. Spanish Arch.  Eyre Square.  Go out along the coast to Spiddal or further and listen to Irish Gaelic being spoken.  Visit Killary Harbour (one of only two fjiords in Ireland). Go out to the Aran Islands.  Go south to the Burren, interesting limestone rock formations.  If you are young there is a good water fun place in Galway and Salthill has good pubs. Don't know what you mean by offseason.  If you are more specific about age and interests and time of year, can maybe let you know of any events happening.

  2. The galway oystrer festival in septembewr is the last big bash of the year.

    Also there are races in late september.

    Majority of the castles will be closed or on reduced hours in the off season.

    Go to athenry , best medievil walls in ireland see the castle dominican priory and the arch

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