
Things to do as a Teenager?

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Well, this question probably sounds pretty lame and rather ridiculous. However, I'm 15, but I am constantly focused on the future. I worry about it constantly and am always working on a new something or other to prepare me for college. Now, I am tired of it, and I'd like to have some fun.

What should I do in my teenage years?




  1. anything you want!

    live for the moment :)

  2. uhh....that guy has some issues don't listen to him. i work, it builds character and you get to learn life lessons other than than i sleep a lot, hang out with friends play sports. don't do drugs and stuff like that.

  3. anything fun and paying out adults and old people

  4. i'm 17 and am loving my teenage years. hang out with friends, go to parties, get a job, you can do anything you want. go to as many parties as you can, because you meet heaps of people, and odds are, if you can't think of anything to do, they can. but don't go to dodgy parties, make sure they're safe, lol. trying to be responisble. have fun, they're definitely the best years of your life. :)

  5. Relax your a kid

  6. Go clubbing get a good boyfriend and go from there SIMPLE

  7. well what id do is have a chugging contest with my friends. NOT beer though, only syrup, and the loser gets a slap in the face.

  8. Marisa, stop the stressing.  Planning is onething, and very commendable.  However, pushing yourself so hard focusing on the future all the time is going to burn you out.  Go swimming athe t beach or a pool. Go roller-skating.  DO SOMETHING FUN for a change.

  9. try new things. when youre an adult youll be tied down all the time by work, kids, reponsibilities, ugh. take risks. dont go down the road of drugs or drinking. but see your friends more often than ever. just  have fun and live it up!

  10. Sleep your gona need it !!!!!!

    Learn how to drink!!!! (very useful skill)

    Party hard!!

    Be FRIENDS with guys (they are far easier to et along with)

    SLEEP with guys and i literly mean Sleep like ZZZZZZ lol it starts awsome rumorsS

    Skinny dip

    Safer options if you arent that adventurous

    roadtrip with your mates

    Read a whole series of books

    take millions of photos

    and HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!

  11. anything youll regret later in life





    -shopping just 4 fun

    ohhh rite!!

  12. Life is to short to be constantly worried about the future. Try to live in the NOW. Have some fun and make mistakes because thats the only way your going to learn anything in life and maybe have a little fun ;)

  13. dont do anything you will regret

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