
Things to do at a sleepover which is held after prom? Help please?

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We are 17-20 years old

there will be 6 guys and 6 girls

Us girls all know each other but we don't know each others dates

I want to do something special that commemorates our school years and I want to also include the guys at some point while having fun (clean fun)




  1. Play is super fun... uhh... stay alert stay safe lol

  2. Why don't you create a quiz based on things that happened in the year you started school and the year you ended it!

    Randomly copy 20 pictures out of your year book, key people, footballers, honour students etc and see wich couple can name the most, for every 1 a person from each team must run to the bottom of the room and complete a task drink a pint of water, eat a chocolate bar with a knife and fork etc, see who can do most pictures and tasks in 3 minutes.

    Also set up a couple of stations with a school shirt on, tie ( tied loosely to slip over head ) and a hat for example, ( buy cheap bits ) blindfold the guys pair them up with a girl who can only give them verbal instructions the first one to the finish line with a dressed school boy wins!

  3. there's no way you will get 6 guys do have clean fun at an after prom party with girls, there's just to way to do that  

  4. have a pillow fight!?

  5. well if you want clean fun..then watch movies, dance to music, prank phone call, if youre dangerous, go tping someone, and maybe even play twister (that way theres no nudity or anything, but it keeps things interesting). remember that there are guys there, and since it will be prom night, theyll almost be expecting something! but just ignore them.

  6. 1st answer is right- you'll be seeing nothing but desparate little boners chasing after you all night.

  7. ok... well unless they are respectable guys from the 50's... i really dont think that that is going to happen.

    guys have their idea of fun and girls have their ideas.

  8. OK, the robot from "Lost In Space" is just going wild yelling 'Danger Will Robinson, DANGER...'

    Obligatory warning from the soapbox...

    After a prom, guys are thinking about physical relationships.  Before a prom, guys are thinking about physical relationships.  In fact, guys are thinking about physical relationships all the time.  And I have found out recently, that some young females may be thinking about it also.

    Having said all that, before you plan any clean fun activities, you need to seriously consider outside adult supervision.  And make sure the 18-20 YO people know they can go to jail if anything stupid happens.

    End of obligatory warning...

    Now, for the suggestions.

    Outside of the house, things to do around town...

    -> Plan an evening with the prom, but since this is the end of school for most if not all of you, you may want to see if there is midnight showing or a park tour.  Finish the year with sort of a school trip, but make it something that you can enjoy rather than have to learn.  In some metropolitan areas they offer midnight tours at botanical gardens.  That is somewhat cool.  And it can offer couples some time alone while still with the group all while in a more romantic setting.

    -> How about putt-putt in a prom dress?  OK, time to get silly.  You have just ended the prom with all the angst and pagentry that one can have.  Go out and play putt-putt, IN YOUR PROM CLOTHES.  It will be silly and may be totally impossible, but it will be memorable.

    -> Go to a midnight movie, maybe a cult classic such as "Rocky Horror Picture Show." BTW, the Rocky Horror Picture Show is from the generation before me, so it may not be for you, but you can find your own cult classic.  

    -> Denny's or some other 'gastronomical' restaurant for some after prom food?

    -> How about going to midnight mass?

    Back at the house...

    -> OK, prom food sucks, the dinner before the prom may be out at an eating establishment or at home, you may or may not be stuffed/hungry.  How about an Iron Chef type of meal when you all get to the house?  Except have a main course already prepared (you really DO NOT want to eat food from an amateur chef at midnight) by the adult(s) who will be chaperoning your that night, and your guest have to come up with desert.  Make the secret ingredient something like twinkies.

    -> Speaking of food, how about a midnight grilling?  Guys love danger and food, so most guys love the danger of grillig food.  Let them cook and then serve you.  Once again, ask your chaperones to prepare a main meal before you all get there and let the grill be a gathering place to talk and cook

    -> Games, Video Games.  OK, Rock Band is popular, if you have it use it.  Do something or a song from the prom that night.  Board games might be nice.  However with all games, poll your guest before hand to see what their likes or dislikes are and that will help you find something enjoyable for all your guest if you do any type of games.

    -> Video Documentary (mockumenatary?).  Video the entire night, pre-prom, prom, and post prom.  Get together with everyone and start to merge the pics and vids into a collective project.  Also, you can pair up with a friend or your date and make a private monologue about what you think about the night and what you want to do in the future, dreams, etc. and at what time you want this private chat to be seen by the others that were at the party that night.

    -> I have more ideas, but you get the general bent.  Email me if you want some more.

    Final thoughts -> LOGISTICS for 12 people plus chaperones.  

    -> That is a lot of bathroom time.  Make sure you have at least 3 bathrooms especially if this is going to be an overnighter.

    -> Sleep space (you may not be able to stay up until the break of dawn).  Will you have sleeping bags, futons, couches, beds, leaf stuffed sacks?  Will you have enough floor space or sleep space?

    -> Food, order out or cook in?  If you plan to cook in for breakfast, make sure you and your chaperones stage breakfast (or a midnight meal for that matter) in advance.  Nothing sucks more than being hungry at a party and having to wait for food that someone is trying to begin to cook.  Also be polite to your guest and inquire about diet/food allergies for your menu planning.  Nothing kills a good time than having to get shipped to the hospital with an allergic reaction to something.

    -> Contact numbers.  Be responsible, make sure you have contact numbers for everybody.

    This has been long, but I hope it gets you to thinking.

  9. yesh... perfect.

  10. spin the bottle

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