
Things to do in Milan with kids?

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I'll be going to Milan next summer with my then 6 year old. Anyone who has been or lives in Milan, any definites I should take her too, or particularly kid friendly things? Also, what are some must see spots? Thanks!!




  1. I went there-- it's beautiful. Right by the Duomo, there is a shopping district. It has many familiar stores, such as H&M. It also has restaurants and places for kids, including a place that sells gelato (like ice cream).

  2. A child that age may enjoy the aquarium and definitely would like the Teatro delle Marionette (Via Olivetani, 3; puppet theater - & it's free). Luna Park Idroscalo is an amusement park some of the rides will be beyond a 6 year-old, but there will still be plenty to do.

    play Planet is another good attraction for kids -

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