
Things to do in and near paris?

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Me and my boyfriend are going to paris in september We are staying at the Appart Valley bry sur marne- 80 Rue Georges Clemenceau Bry Sur Marne Paris Suburbs 94360 .

Can anyone tell me if there any activites we can do there? Or were we could go on like bicycle trip. We want something fun to do on our last day, anyone know of any websites that would be helpful?? I keep looking up bry sur marne paris and activities, but nothing useful comes up.




  1. I'm a bit confused since the address you mention is not in Paris but some 8 miles to the east of Paris. I presume you are going to that location for some reason other than tourism. If I am wrong and you intend to go to Paris for a vacation then this will be a rather inconvenient location to use as a base.

    If you read French then consult this website for activites taking place in Bry sur Marne:

  2. Versailles, all the museums in paris of course! You can do VELIB (bikes) along the seine river and also the mini paris attraction park.  

  3. Hi ,

    I have found a very good artical about grate holiday ideas of France and posted it to my blog.

    Hope this is of help to you to have an idea about the things to do in Paris.


  4. My allotment is just beside - if you want to visit my carrots and tomatoes, you'll be welcome - + extra coffee on my stove -

    Woods all around - nice jogging possible - beautiful XIXth mansions among slums and coloured condoes -

    Otherwise a good place for jogging and observe Orly plane traffic, landing and taking off - great - gardenning there for 15 years and no one crushed my veggies - real shame

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