
Things to do in the pool???

by  |  earlier

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i need things to do in the pool that are fun like different things to do off the diving bord and other things like games. plz help!!!! thx!!!




  1. well swim  of course..

    race back and forth swimming


    cannon balls

    pencil dives


    dive backwards

    belly flops.. c who has the reddest stomach

  2. some games that we play r:

    sharks and minnows, marco polo, colors, categories, chicken (diving board), chicken (swimming)

    hope that helps.

  3. of course, there is the obvious: marco polo, greased watermelon, volleyball, diving for diving rings/sticks/coins, but one of my personal favorite activities i've come up with is this.  buy yourself some cheap hula hoops (dollar store is great for this purchase) , and tie them with a string to a bag of rocks so the "anchor" with sink.  there you have it!  if you tied the strings at a good length, you will have submerged hoops to swim through.  set them up in a row to create an obstacle course and release the inner dolphin in you and have fun swimming through hoops!  a cheap and entertaining activity.

  4. it's winter.....maybe you should find another activity?  who swims in winter when ya live in Australia?

  5. Okay, play tag, but the rules are slightly different:

    The person that is on waits 10 seconds, whilst everyone else scatters. then when the person who is on starts, they are allowed to swim normally, but everyone else is only allowed to use their arms to swim. Sounds easy, but when you're laughing as well, using JUST your arms is SO hard!!!!

  6. Sharks n Minnows is my absolute favorite game. Works best if you have more than 5 people. try to get the whole pool involved!

    Gameplay: First pick 1-3 sharks, depending on how many people there are. Have then swim out to the center of the pool. The other players sit on the edge of the pool until the shark(s) say, "Sharks n Minnows!" Then they all jump in and swim as fast as possible to the other side. The sharks try to tag the minnows on top of the head ABOVE WATER. They may drag the minnows to the surface. No biting, kicking, scratching, or punching. Dunking is allowed. The tagged minnows are now sharks, and the previous sharks are stilll sharks. Then "Sharks n Minnows!" and the game keeps going until all the people are tagged. Then the last 1-3 people tagged are the new sharks!

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