
Things to do on a rainy day as a couple...?! Isnt the british summer lovely..?

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Things to do on a rainy day as a couple...?! Isnt the british summer lovely..?




  1. Stay in bed, snuggled under the duvet drinking endless cups of tea and listening to the rain on the windows... OH I love nothing more. Or, you might think this is really weird, but drive into the woods, and just walk together in the rain, and kiss and cuddle in the rain. Be at one with nature. Also, have a mud-fight whilst you're there. Get home, get showered and then snuggle up.

  2. Swimming, iceskating, cinema, meal, pub.

    Get a dvd, some beer/wine and something nice to eat and have a romantic time snuggled up on the sofa.

    Search the web for your local area for indoor tourist attractions??

  3. spend a bit of time alone... stay in bed

    funnny enough, everyone seems to dislike the rain, I infact Love when it rains... It just more interesting.

  4. This is desperate weather for August.  I think I will take my Daughter to the Cinema.  

  5. Go to the cinema...SOmewhere indoors...

    The weather is just pissing me off....

  6. Move to Australia..

  7. Shop online...

    Go for a meal...


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