
Things to do on aeroplane ride and journey?

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I am going to America and I have an eleven and a half hour flight then 4 hours stuck at an airport between, then a three and a half hour flight. I need some activities to keep me occupied. I already plan on sleeping, reading, listening to iPod, drawing, puzzles (sudoku/crosswords), card games, nintendo ds, and watching flight movies.

Also I am only 13 and I need appropriate activities and unfortunately I can't get hold of a portable dvd player.




  1. I think you've pretty much listed the majority of activities.

    I know on long flights the last thing i want is my iPod to run out of batteries, so try to take some other sort of power source.

    Best thing is alternate between all your activities, read a bit, then chill back listen to music, then flip the channels on the in flight and pick a movie, and the best one... Sleep  :-)

  2. Well on a flight that long there will be movies so no need to worry about a portable dvd player. Also you can look at the people sitting near you and make up life stories for all of them like if they are married where they met there spouse how many kids u think they have and such,

  3. when i was 13 and had to amuse myself on long haul flights, i used to befriend air attendants and help them out by notifying them when a passenger required attention. You could always have a chat with them when they aren't busy and ask them about their travels etc. The best part of befriending an air attendant would be the off chance opportunity to be in the cockpit for landing :) all the best!

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