
Things to do when you are driving to go on a vacation for a 11 year old

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My family is going to drive to Sesame Place Langhorne, PA

It is a 4 hour trip there and back any ideas to do while driving there for my daughter??




  1. 1.  Play the alphabet game - Start with A and tell your daughter to look around and find something which begins with the letter A...go all the way to Z.

    2.  Have her name all the license plate states she can see, and maybe tell her to name the most popular.

    3.  Look for items all of the same color (e.g. red cars, red stoplights, stop signs, etc.).

  2. me, my daughter, who is also 11, and my family used to always drive up to northern california, from arizona. it was about a 14 hour drive..

    4 hours isn't to bad, here are some suggestions to keep her busy.

    if she has a ipod, lap top, portable DVD player, mp3 player, cd player, any type of electronic, i higly recomend she brings it.

    have her bring some books.

    if your car has a DVD player in it bring bring a couple movies. 1 movie is about 1 1/2 to 2 hours already used up.

    bring s deck of cards, if she has any brothers, sisters, friends, etc. coming on the trip she can play cards with them,(if the car is big enough)

    bring some pillows and a small blanket, if she gets tired she can comfortably take a nap or rest.

    this would also be a good time if you and her are going  on a mother-daughter trip to have a nice conversation. bring up school, friends, life, whatever you can think of!

    have fun and drive safely!

    hope this helped

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