
Things to do while in the car waiting to get somewhere???

by Guest33706  |  earlier

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I'm going on Monday so please answer, I'm going to Six Flags for my b-day, I'm turning 12. It's gonna be me, my twin, my friend, and maybe my other friend. (plus my dad who is driving) It's gonna be an 1 to 2 hours of a drive and we need something to do. DONT SAY SLEEP, WATCH DVD ON DVD PLAYER OR WAVE TO CARS TELL ME SOME FUN THINGS BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS. I WANT LOTS OF GAME AND IDEAS PLEASE!




  1. you could buy window markers and draw on the windows

  2. Okay well first off you have your friends! Talk! If your like me and my friends.....that could last the whole drive! But if that gets old....(which it will at one point it probably will) here are some ideas!  Me and my best friend went on a 2 day drive and we brought tons! Here is a list!

    -A Laptop!.....but that took begging to get her Dad to let us bring it!

    -Cell Phone...prank callz! Alwayz fun!

    -Markers that are made for windows....ha ha!

    -This will make you laugh!...When her dad stopped at a gas station....we got in our bags....grabbed hair dryers and sunglasses pointed the hairdryer at people who drove by....see how many ppl stop/slow down!!!!

    -Played...I Spy....which is fun no matter how old...which we are 13!

    -Walmart has a ton of travel games! See what you can find!

    -I know you said not to say anything about the DVD player...but if you have one on can come in SUPER handy! Have you ever heard of the game scene it? Well, I brought just the disc and we just answered the questions and kept score on paper!

    -Take pictures! Bring a camera!

    -Eat! I know that sounds piggyish...but hey! Its a suggestion!

    -Paper and crayons/markers/ whatever...when I was younger...I would make paper dolls on road trips!

    -Bring your favorite CD!

    -Annoy the driver (not the smartest idea....but fun) LOL

    Hope I help! Enjoy the trip!

  3. There are tons of travel games at any walmart.  Go look in the game section.

  4. You could play Truth or Dare, Promise, etc?

  5. listen to music.  lol i dont know about you but whenever i go somewhere far i listen to music.

  6. read!

  7. Invent a license tag game.

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