
Things to do while traveling?

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Im going on a 5 1/2 hour drive soon (by car) and im going with my cousin and my grandma and my ant (i think i spelled that rong sorry) and me and my cousin are both the same age 12. any ideas on what we could do for all that time any websites or printable stuff or any thing that i could do will help thanks

ill give the best answer an extra 10 points





  1. *ipod*, sudoku, cross word puzzles,, there are tons of things to do!

  2. read color play cards snack gossip look at magazines

  3. Suggestions :-

    1. Bring along those portable multiple game set like chess, scrabble, etc... Try to get the one with magnetic board so the things will not fall off!

    2. Get those multiple puzzle solver books with all the different games like sudoku, kakuro, word search, quizzes, etc...

    3.  Card games

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