
Things to do with your horse while riding?

by Guest66733  |  earlier

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I can only ride my horse in the pasture for reasons that will be to long to list! lol, plus it would bore you.

But i have just been riding in circles because the grass is really long and there is really only one small area, and its only big enough to walk and trot in, blah its to small to gallop in. (oh and this place is in her pasture)

Anyway, i do some 8's and cirlces. But what else is there to do? What are some things you do with your horse, just different riding things.




  1. When I'm exercising the horses I ride in the indoor arena it's small as well, so we practice serpentine's(like a continued S up and down the arean) side passes, figure 8, walk-stop-backup trot-stop-backup. We also practicing bending and when we stop our horses and back them up we try to get them to turn quick and continue in the gait they were in.

    Hope it helps, good luck

  2. lets see i go swimming with my horse on trails horse shows down the gravel rode anywhere and every where no offence but dont that get boring jsut going in circles if i was u i would have some one experienced ride it and get it so u dont have to stay in the pasture that way u and ur horse dont get bored to c**p  

  3. Try some cross training, mean try another discipline. Games are fun and a great way to connect with your horse. Also, look for some horse books that have some arena exercises you can try.

    Good luck! Have fun!

  4. Try fun things like bareback riding!

    See if there are some people at your barn who would want to do a games day with you. They might have a bigger pasture that you can use, and practicing gives you something to do when you are riding alone

  5. Play ride a buck! Put a dollar bill under your thigh and see how long you can keep it there in all gaits. It's also great for building on your position!! :)

    If you don't feel like riding, I would reccomend joining up. It gives you a GREAT bond with your horse, and he learns  to see you as the "herd leader". More on Join-ups:

    Also, teach your horse to play tag with you! it's great. Haha.

    Pepsi game: Hold a glass of pepsi while on your horse. See how fast you can go without it spilling!

    If you're feeling bored, go buy some horse paint! Paint your horse! LOL

    Ride bareback...Cozy and fun =D

    Try out different disciplines!

    The stone game: Turn over a few buckets in a row, like stepping stones. Lead your horse along them while you walk on them swiftly. At the end of the "stones," try to vault on him, if he's tolerant. haha.

    Set up a hula hoop and tape it on top of a fence. get a ball, and ride your horse and see how many goals you can get!

    Try some barrel racing! Even if you ride english, it's fun. You don't have to use can use cones, buckets...whatever you have on hand.

    Have you tried jumping?

    Set up an obstacle course! :D

    Hide and seek...Great while playing the tag! xD

    This sounds weird, but I've found that horses LOVE hoses in the heat!

    Egg and spoon race around barrels, or an obstacle course. Doesn't have to be fast!

    Good luck :)

  6. Leg yielding, turns on the forhand.

    Set up a maze where you have to do circles and backing up.

    If you have a friend that you ride with why dont you try synchronised riding together.

    Make up a ride to music - sudden stops, walk to canter, extended trot in time with the music.

    Improve your riding and bond with your horse by riding bareback/no stirrups,

    Set up some jumps and jump bareback, only with a headcollar,no reins.

    have fun x

  7. I usually just work on a number of things like transitions, leg yields, serpentines and such. Bareback is also a great idea =)  

  8. ride bareback!

    It will build up the strength in your legs to to mention is fun. Also if you teach your horse to respond to your seat commands, and turn off leg pressure you could give bridleless a go :-D

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